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Nolan had watched as the nurses had tended to a sore and ailing Malia with sorrow and pain in his eyes. Just thinking about what she could have possibly went through, the fact that she was bumpy and bruised. The fact that she had to ride across her Kingdom with her mothers dead body on the back of her horse.
Nolan shook his head in anger and just walked out letting them continue while he took care something he should have done many, many years ago.

Cassandra Jalisa had stood trial had had been deemed guilty in the eyes of God and the kingdom of Ashdom and she would be put to death. Nolan had dreamt of the perfect torture, things to make her suffer before he actual took her life but he realized that his indiscretions and personal emotions bated by intrusive thoughts should not prolong her death. She has caused the most damage in his life and now in his wives life. She would no longer be welcome to luxury of blinking her eyes and breathing oxygen, Nolan would make sure today would be her last.

Thomas and the others were ordered to place Cassandra on a post in the heart of the kingdom, so that she was executed with a audience. As Nolan walked the hallowed path to her, the crowd shouted and yelled in approval. Mostly after hearing the crimes that were held against her, hearing news of what she had done to the Queen's family. Nolan would never let the people know of his abuse.. most elders were already aware, they had seen it first handedly. Even still he refused to illuminate the others, in fear of being weak. He already looked weak for not being able to protect his Queen from his own mother.. he was going to right his wrong!

Cassandra stood there with her hands tied behind her back and a devilish grin seeing her son.

"So I guess you've come to kill me.. your own mother. Perhaps you and your Queen may bond over that experience.." she said and Nolan drew his sword

"Mother I promise you if you keep talking I will cut your tongue from your mouth have you whipped and then cut your head off.. Slower death then I've intended to give you.." Cassandra hawked and spit at him but she didn't say another word.

Nolan furrowed his eyebrows and putting his sword towards her

"Cassandra Jalisa, you're guilty for the murder of innocent women, men and children. An entire village, and so much more things that I have chosen to not add but the result of your crimes will be death. You will die today and so help me god you will see the gates of hell right after.." Cassandra looked around at the thousands of people in the crowds watching with eager faces. She looked at her soldiers who had now pledged their loyalty to the king and just spit at them. The betrayal that she felt was only half of the irritation pumping the blood in her heart, but the fact that she would be killed before she killed her son. She was supposed to throw dirt on his casket. Even with those thoughts, she also blamed herself for her faulty and indecisive plans. Had she just had've killed him as a child none of this would be happening.

Xander would be alive.

Nolan was surprised at his mother's silence because even with his threats, she would be the first to defy his orders. Yet, all she did was look around her and actually wanted to die, especially after her failure. Nolan watched as she looked up at the sky and said a small prayer to herself and then looked back at Nolan

"Take me to my child.." she said. Cassandra did not yell out that she knew that Nolan had killed her Son mostly because she knew it wouldn't matter.. she would still end up dead and Xander would still be in his grave. In this moment Cassandra oddly felt the most at peace.. she had given up her actions based on her hatred and just wanted to be with her baby boy once more.

Nolan's lip twitched and clenched his jaws before running towards her and impaling her with the sword in her gut. The sound of the blade entering her skin was satisfactory to Nolan. The gasped breathing and shortness of breath made him feel like he was finally closing the door on a chapter in his life.

"Xander is in heaven.. while you'll be fucking the devil.. you despicable, sadistic, egregious good for nothing tramp of a creature. I hope you never find peace, I hope your soul will forever burn in hell and I even hope you reincarnate as the fucking dirt on the bottom of shoe. I'll set your worthless body on fire and won't even piss on you to put it out... the kingdom will smell your flesh for months.." he whispered in her ear as she was dying, with blood foaming out of her mouth. Nolan moved from her ear and looked her in her eyes knowing he had done what neither his father or brother had done.

Even in her final seconds she tried to smite him with words by saying what she was thinking but everything was getting mush and she was losing so much blood. Nolan gritted his teeth and twisted the sword all the way around before yanking it out and in the same motion slicing her head off watching has it fell to the ground. He then raised the sword above his head and then struck the head with his sword pinning it to the ground

"Agh!!!!!" He yelled at the same time with veins popping out of his neck and forehead. He hated her so much, for so long and she was finally dead.
The silence rang in his ear.. for once. Pure silence. He picked the sword up that was still in her head and put it over his shoulder.

He walked straight back done the path he walked beforehand as the crowd had witness him walk with his mother's head on the end of his sword. No words, or sounds were made only observations and mental notes. Notes that they had even more reason to not want to cross the king or queen. Though he still had enemies lurking disguised as loyal servants.

Nolan walked straight to Malia's but first had Kaziah grab the other heads he had collected in the search. Fifteen heads that would have included more, but Cassandra's army had again, pledged fealty. Fifteen heads of men and about two women..
Once he got to Malia's chambers he saw that she was awake and the nurses were no longer tending to wounds. She all the while still looked very weak and surprised when she saw Nolan and the look on his face. Nolan said nothing and just stood in front of her bed in a presenting way.

He cleared his throat and soon after Kaziah walks in with a bag on his shoulder. He walked closer to the King and sat the bag down.

"Place them in three rows of five.." Nolan commanded and Kaziah did as he ordered, placing the heads in single file rows.

Malia watched feeling a weight ease off of her heart each time a head thudded on the ground. No words spoken just actions shown.
Nolan stood there right beside the head looking at Malia with a straight face, the then pulled Cassandra's head off of his sword by her hair and held her head out for Malia to see it.

There he stood presenting the heads like a gift on Christmas. Their body language and eyes holding the deepest conversation their lips could never have.. this moment was a significant one because it was a Table turning situation. Nolan stood in front of his Wife his a Queen showing her heads for her approval, while  an entire kingdom does that same sort of act for him. The way the roles have been placed and written.. a king is the face but the Queen is the Coat of Arms.

Nolan clears his throat and then clenched his jaws before bowing his head and meeting her eyes once more.

"A man who doesn't keep his promises.. is no man at all. "

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now