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More than few weeks had gone by and so had many things had come to pass but what remained the same throughout the trauma,  was the responsibility for the people of Ashdom. That duty never changed, yet only grew more and more.

  Both the King and Queen sat powerfully on their thrones as they listened to the problems of the kingdom.

Approximately a hundred men and woman, ventilating their struggles to their leaders, hoping they knew how to control the situation.

The issue had been that In the past few days some of the villagers have come down with an unexplainable sickness, that has made some drop faster than a blow to the heart from a sword. Some have raised their suspicions surrounding the propaganda behind the deer children. They began to believe that what the Children were preaching was in fact true - as it was happening just as they said.

While others, believed that it was because of the devilish cult and their god forsaking practices, had been the reasoning behind loved ones were dying.

Nolan had been familiar with the cult but had never truly seen any of their alleged work so he never truly convinced on their creditability only that they we a rumor. While Malia had known about it in last year from Polly, and the encounter with the man whom had tried to hit that little girl. Malia figured that this cult was already out of hand stealing babies but now they could have Been the cause the deaths of family members. They had to be stopped and Malia did promise Polly that she would do everything in her power to do just that.

"Your majesty my boy was only ten and he had a minor cough one day , and the next he looked like he was infected with the plague.. we quarantined him only to find him laying dead in his own bloody vomit. That was Thursday.. my wife's sister suffered the same fate last night and now my wife is coughing . I am afraid she will soon die too wnd many others in the villages have lost many lives too. Some within the same week.. what are you going to do?... your majesty." A man whom was obviously a servant from his clothing appearance. His clothes ragged, nails dirty, the small stench of bathroom buckets and the uncut and unshaved hair and beard, that was dirty but his eyes.. his eyes were telling Malia that he's story was deeper than the way he looked. From his voice and the way he spoke, the love he had in his heart for his family, was what made a good man.

Malia did not want her people to lose those that make them good..

"What is you name sir?" Malia asked. The man stepped forward a bit but Kaz pushed him back. Malia raised her head in approval allowing Kaz to stop his aggression and take a breath. The man walked forward, still with thirty more more people in the line behind.

"My name is Jacque Grinton.." Grinton.. a name of the ashdoms, allowing both Malia and Nolan to know that he is was a true born-helping him would be a no brainer.

Nolan looked over at his beloved queen studying the facial expression she made. He watched as the man's story had noticeably affected his love and he wouldn't nothing more to give her peace. He looked at the man wince more and cleared his throat.

"Firstly, thank you for your poise and the way you brought this unfortunate tragedy to me. I am greatly sorry for you loss and will do everything in my power to find the source of this unexplainable situation and will put an end to it. You are my people and the is no enemy I wouldn't face to give you all peace." The king had spoken. His tone being serious and caring yet firm in his beliefs. Though he hadn't to much certainty about a cult, he did know that people were dying and it was not good.

Jacque bowed before his royals with hope in his heart after long worry and despire. A feeling that his pleads shall be answered with appraisal.

"I thank you, your majesty.. I will know have hope to carry back home to my family and village. Thank you." He bowed once more before being escorted out by the guards.

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