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The horses neigh and the sound of boots hitting the ground alerted the household.
The man looked around seeing familiar faces and gave them a smile.

"Raina.. it's lovely to see you. Looking like you haven't aged a bit.. where is Walter?" Raina set the bucket down and walked over to him and hugged him, thanking him for the donation he had blessed her and her family with.

"Lord knows we wouldn't have weather that storm without your god sent gifts... Walter is in the house, working on his latest adventures." The man smiled and nodded walking past her giving a slight nod to her daughter, before walking in the house.

He observed the house not being able to locate Walter until he reached the back of the house and saw exactly what his wife was talking about. It was a small human hand connected to the arm on a filthy table, with an animals torso right beside it. Walter was reading out of a old, thick book that was outlined in such a way any one who had saw it would surely remember it.

"I see you've been keeping up with your studies.." The man said with Walter jumping in the air and turning his way. Walters eyes grew wide as he wiped his bloody hands on an apron he wore walking over to the Man and hugging him.

".. Charlie, I didn't expect you so soon. You wrote me and said you would come visit in the fall it's hardly spring." Walter said backing up, looking back at Charlie who had nodded his head in agreement and took a closer look at the project on the table.

"Yes I know.. but something in need of my urgency brought me sooner. Your cousin, Vaughn and I had got into a discrepancy years ago that made him distance himself from his family and responsibilities. He married and had children and he had just written to me months ago that he would be coming home. He said it was time for us to put our past behind us for the sake of our family.. the only problem is no one has heard from him or his family in a while.." Charlie said turning around to see a confused look on his Nephews face.

"I have not spoken or seen Vaughn since he first got to Ashdom.. I offered him to stay with us but he refused saying he would not burden me with his decisions. Soon after I received a letter saying he was well and to thank me for my initial offer. Said we would get together soon but soon never came and I just forgot about it. I've been busy with the Children.." he said referring to the Children of the deer. Charlie sighed knowing how much pride his son had and that Walter story held truth.

Charlie hoped that nothing had happened to his son because he could never forgive himself for leaving things the way he did.

"Do you Remember where he was dwelling, maybe I could poke around there to see if I find anything.." Walter nodded and quickly grabbed a sheet of paper and a feather, dipping it in ink and writing the address. Walter sat down the feather and walked the paper over to Charlie who accepted it and gave it a quick Gaze.

Charlie bowed his head in appreciation to Walter before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you.." he said and gave a quick look back to the table and then back to Walter.

"Use the binding spell and the unison spell. That one is located on the last page of the book and it'll make your transitions better, and more precise. These creatures need to be the best or we will all die. Your the only charter that is behind on their improvement.. you're my blood, to not succeed is not an option.." Charlie finished placing the palm of his hand in Walters cheek letting him know that he did not have a choice but to do better.

"I won't disappoint you.." Walter said and Charlie chortled and nodded his head

"I know you won't Walt.." Charlie said lastly before giving him one last pat on the shoulder. He then walked back to the front and out of the door, aiming for his horse.

"Hey Charlie.. I may have something that can help.." Raina said. She might have been being nosy listening to conversations that had nothing to do with her but she did have information that could help. Charlie stepped on foot onto his strap using it to get on the saddle.

"I am all ears.." Charlie said waiting for this piece of information.

"I've ran into Adeline, Vaughn's wife a few times at the chapel in the heart.. and me and her become good friends once we had shared enough about ourselves to find out who our families were." Raina said telling her elongated story, seeing Charlie's face grew impatient by the second.

"Well about a while back, she said that Vaughn had gotten caught up in a sweep by the King in one of his pursuits.. and soon she sent me a letter saying that the king had summoned her to his palace to see Vaughn.." Raina paused because she realized that the words coming out of her mouth could very well be treason and she would be killed because of it. she felt she Owed a lot to Charlie being that He had saved their lives countless times. Thus made her  feel  it was time to repay, even if it was in the smallest way.

".. that was the last time I saw or heard from her.. I wrote a couple of times and even went by their home but they were not there. I did not have any evidence or power to even confront anyone about their whereabouts.. so I just kept it to myself.. keeping them in my prayers.." She had said in a final tone.

Charlie clenched his Jaws and could feel his skin heating up like smoke was about to start coming off of him. He was From The Queendom of Eyrs and had heard many stories about this King.. his ways and before he had even held respect for him, but if he had been behind his sons disappearance. It would be hell to pay, Ashdom was not his home and he had no qualms about ripping it to pieces starting with commoners.. so he prayed for ashdom's sake that his son was alive, his wife and children too.

Finally an Update!!

-I just wanna thank all my readers. Everyone who has voted,commented, added it to your reading list or libraries..
This book means a lot to me because I spend so much time trying to make this story what it is.

- I know it may have some rough edges and is long but the foundation and story is really good so thank you all for reading. You all push me to want to give more and better chapters.

- how are you feeling about it so far?
Do you feel bad for Malia, and mad at Nolan?

Do you feel both are victims of the politics? Is there a way for Nolan to truly win back Malia's heart like he did after so much?

Are you rooting for #NoAh?

How is the character Arch improving or decreasing?

More importantly how will things more forward w the Deer children/ Children of the deer? And what is a Queendom of Erys? Whom are the settlers and what are they known for?

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