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Charles Warren had kept his word as he did lift the spell from the grounds of ashdom. Civilians were no longer dying unexplainably, though the pain and suffering of those who did, hearts could not truly be filled.
Both the king and Queen held memorials for those who passed, holding candle lights every night since.

Since that meeting The entire council made it purpose to study the deer children. They had to understand what they believed in order to be ready if they should attack. Even though the deal was to not go after those who practiced the beliefs of the deer, The royals tried to work on ways to end it for good. That was the hardest part.

Queen Malia was taking a walk with the prince as she now did his daily walks instead of Polly, trying to restore time lost.

Prince Ezekiel was growing extremely fast, as he was walking now. Malia had finally found her courage to be around her son once more. Malia had to stop thinking of her own failures as anchors holding her down. Her child had nothing to do with any of them, he didn't ask to be brought into such a cruel world that sheds innocence quiet quicker than it should be. He promise to him meant more to her than anything, she intended to keep it by any means.

The Queen had been so engulfed in Ezekiel's adorable curiosity of the world that she did not see Polly approaching.

"Your majesty.. my apologies for interrupting your time with your son but I was sent by Kaz to get you. The king is passed out in the stables and is threatening to kill anyone who tries to wake him." Polly reported. Malia closed her eyes and let out a loud sigh. Since the meeting, Nolan had gotten worse than before. Not talking to her, hardly sleeping or eating, though he did over indulge in alcohol. He started having retching night terrors that awoke him out of his sleep in sweats.
He became rude with everyone, less attentive to Ezekiel and Malia was growing quite tired of it.

She had tried to get to the root of the problem but the only thing he talked about were the duties needed to be fulfilled. His behavior was out of control and she was not turning a blind eye any longer.

"I will handle it.." she said to Polly

"Would you like me to look after the prince?" Polly asked and Malia shook her head no picking up Ezekiel

""No thank you let his son be a reminder to act more accordingly.." Malia responded as she quickly walked to the stables. When she got there Kaz and other guards were guarding the king as he laid on the hay.

"Step aside please.." They did as Malia ordered. She and the prince walked up onto the King seeing his mouth open and light drool escaping it. Malia sat Ezekiel down and he crawled onto his father laughing.

The prince started playing with Nolan's face. Pulling his lips, hitting his nose until the king opened his eyes. He was confused to see his son, especially because he didn't even know where he was himself. He scanned the room seeing he was in the stables and that Malia was standing over him with a cold look in her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that..?" He said annoyed, feeling like he was being judged by her. He didn't need that, the way he felt inside was unlike anything he had felt before. He just wanted to alone but. His reality would not let him. He stood up slowly holding on to the prince so that he would not fall.

"I'm looking at you like this because you are walking around here like you a a totally different person. I don't know what the hell as gotten into you but you need to stop whatever is going on and think about your people and more importantly your family!" Malia yelled which only angered the king more.

"Look at the Girl who just got her crown a little over a year ago. You try to tell me about my people like I haven't thought about them for twenty one years? Hmm.. oh and my family the one I created of course I think about you all. Every thing I've done since we married as been in thought of our family. Do not waltz in here like you know more about this life than me!" Nolan yelled back. Malia was stung by his word. How dare he pull hierarchy on the time frame of the crown. Malia knew that he handled his responsibilities but his decorum mattered just as much and being a drunken snob was not good.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now