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The look on Lucas's face was terror which only told Malia that, that was his face Nd feeling the moment someone drew their sword through his chest. Only fourteen years old, so young, so much life ahead of him and taken in five seconds. Malia couldn't even bring herself to look at the heads of her remaining siblings, nor did she want to see the rest of their bodies. She threw up her meal just at the sight of her brother and realization that she would never she him again.
She thought about the day she had visited and chose not to wake them up and greet them. She regretted the long time in between her visit she never got to get, and now never will. So much had went on in such little time, she had been putting it off and then it had became dangerous for travel or much less of getting out of the bed. Though the risk, she had to see for herself that this was actually real, she was actually looking at yet another dead family member.

Her body became numb, her legs started to become like jelly as she was about to collapse to the ground but was caught by Nolan's arms. That embrace was enough to send her over the edge in grieve.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She yelled loudly and bursted out in a howling, glass shattering, heartbreaking cry.

"Nooo.. noo .. NO!" She said softly with the last no being high pitched. She began having a fit kicking and punching to get out of Nolan's grip. They had come a ways since their first day as husband and wife and even overcame some things together but Malia held him responsible for their deaths. They were innocents, had nothing to Do with this lifestyle, they were farmers.. grew up in a farm with their mother. The only reason they were dead was because of Nolan, who ever was after him was going for blood in the most cruelest way as possible.

Malia still crying her heart out bent over as much as she could with the huge belly she had.

"..my love." Nolan spoke with ease and compassion trying to console her as best he could but she would not allow it. She shook him off and just sat their distraught. She just kept seeing her fathers death over and over and then to see her brothers body massacred in that way. To top it off, her youngest siblings executed in the same manner as their father was... beheaded on their knees like vultures. They were kids, children still in schooling.. and her mother.. she thought about it realizing that had mentioned nothing of her mother.

"..where's my mother?" She said sniffling and wiping her tears, still in the same siting position.
Nolan paused on his words and took a deep breath before kneeling to her level with a tear running down his cheek and fell onto the sleeve of his shirt.

".. there was no sight of her on the village. All we saw were your brothers and sisters, as well as the tenants of the estate.. dead." He said and Malia looked at him in shock. Her entire home just killed like that, every one she had known, loved and much more dead. Gone.

"Where are their bodies?" She asked with a shaking voice.

"I had them buried in the heart of the village.. all together because I didn't know who was family and was but I still wanted them to be buried..." Nolan said. He could see that Malia was discombobulated and he knew this was all a lot for her. He also knew to expect blame for it, after all he blamed himself too. If only he had of had them in the palace the chance of their survival would've been greater than what it was. He made his plans to make that move to late and now it cost it a lot. He had to make this right.

".. this is too much, I can't.. I can't breath right now.." she said hyperventilating with the instant panic of Nolan. He worried that this would worse her condition with the baby. He did not want to risk more loss and figured he needed to get her back to bed.

"We should get you back to bed.. we don't want to risk the baby." He said softly not wanting to make it seem like he was rushing her but to ensure her he only cared about hers and their child's safety. Malia rubbed her belly crying for the moments she would never get with her siblings. She cried for the unknowing feeling on the fate of her mothers life, and who her abducted was. Malia was smart enough to know the saw person who had order the hit was the same one who had kidnapped her mother and at this point she was ready to go to war with the world. She didn't care about the consequences and she didn't care about it being one person responsible, how she felt in the moment everyone breathing was responsible.
She was mad at the world for everything she was facing.. she was twenty years old and already lost more than fifty percent of her family. Too many goodbyes and not enough held accountable.

Malia face changed from heartbreak to pure fueled fire, anger that you could see in her eyes. She looked at Nolan who's eyes were soft and still filled with compassion, hurt and guilt.

"You will kill every single person responsible for this. Anyone who knows anything will tell you or they too will die. I do not care if want demographic they fit in, if they don't have anything to contribute to our search.. then may the lord open the gates of Heaven for his children's abrupt return..." Malia said viciously, the hate spewing out of her speech and her heart in a way he had not seen. He thought he had seen hate when she used to look at him but this look was one he didn't wish to see on her.. a look he was all too familiar with. One that with all being said he understood.. and he would vow to take this look away from her.

"I promise you I will find the one who made the order, as well as every person who acting on that order. I will kill them all with a smile on my face. There may have been bad blood between us at first but we have been through much and you are my strongest and most deepest alliance and connection... I promise you justice.." Nolan said and Malia pulled him closer by his beard and looked him in his eyes closely.

"I want blood Nolan... nothing less."




Horns were blown in a symphonic way as a the king and Queen were parading around the kingdom with five caskets. Malia had a mortician stitch their heads back on their bodies for burial. She had a blank and unbothered look on her face as she was being showered in sorrow. People who had never even meet her brothers and sister crying and wailing in the middle of the street like it was one of their own children. It had given Malia and Nolan solitude, it let them know their people felt close to them.. like family.

Nolan looked at Malia and put a grabbed her head and kissed it.

"I will sit their heads at your feet my love..." he said and caressed his hand. Malia looked at him and lightly smiled.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now