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The horses print formed in the mud at the border line of heart of ashdom. Malia sat on the horse as it slowly walked, with her head held high while the soldiers followed behind her. No words where said as people stopped what they were doing such as cleaning, cooking, farming etc, and their attention was completely given to her. For about three/four days rumors had spread on the news of her abduction. The king had just last night given a public announcement on the matter and asked them all to keep the royal family in their prayers, as they did. Though realistically even with a prayer, one never knows the outcome until it's shown in ones face, in this case the masses were glad their Queen was alive and had returned.

The people could see the pain and healed scars on her face. Her face no longer as swollen as before but still bumped and bruised indicating she had fought. The look in her eyes as she kept them straight forward appealed to the people. This past year they had seen her go through hell and her ability to keep it together was to their amazement. They had never seen a woman with her integrity, more or less a Queen who's presence demanded respect. The things she did for the people, the way she was loyal even thought he realm wasn't always loyal to her.. this persona was rare and for Ashdom to have her as their Queen.. was a gift the people didn't truly realize they had until this powerful moment.

Thomas and his men saw as the people stared at them, they were beginning to feel uncomfortable though at the same time they shrugged it off.

"T- The Queen as returned!" A man who had been holding a child in his arms along side a woman whom seemed to be his wife. That statement turned into a domino effect because shortly after he said it, he bent a knee and bowed. His wife did as well. Malia looked at the family, not expecting this, but was thankful for their passion.

"The Queen has returned!" Another person from the crowds yelled and bowed.

"The Queen had Returned!" Another person said and bowed. Malia, Thomas and the others just watched as every person yelled out that comment and bowed in respect as they passed through on the horses

Woman, children and Men dropped to their knees and praised Malia as she had returned from whatever she was, alive, well, and as remarkable as ever. Woman looked up to her example while men flocked to her in adoration, both admiring and respecting her as their Queen. Not just The Kings wife, the Queen.. but Queen Malia of Ashdom.. don't get that part misunderstood.

Thomas and the others  had never seen such devotion to one person voluntarily. Cassandra never had this affection towards her and everything she had gotten as a benefit to her title was due to fear not respect. For the first time Thomas saw what a Queen was and how that person deserved fealty. Malia fought with her tears not wanting to cry but she was a real person with real emotions, so she let a tear or two escape but she quickly wiped them.

Malia looked behind her to see Cassandra's bleak body being dragging by the horses as she once was and just shook her head. The view of hundreds of people bowing to Malia was hard for Cassandra to swallow mostly because Malia was everything she always wanted to be. To be loved by her family unconditionally, to have the respect of the people with no question and to just be confident in herself to walk in her own skin as a woman in these times. Cassandra was embarrassed to have people see her like that. She knew that some people would recognize her as the Queen, the Kings Mother, and Queen Consort when Rowan was King but she never gotten the same treatment as Malia. All of this hitting Cassandra at once like one big slap in the face.

Malia and the rest had passed the heart of Ashdom and started heading towards the capital. Going through all the villages, everyone just repeated the Queen has returned and bended a knee. They went on from Village to Village, until finally that had to cross a small body of water and  then they were at the Capital and then to the palace.

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