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When Ella said Cassandra and her other men were right behind her she literally meant it, with them only being a days travel behind so they had figured to meet her in the middle, sending word of their eventual arrival. Malia had sacrificed herself to these soldiers of Cassandra and had her hands tied together tightly, being pulled behind the horse. She had been walking for hours and her feet were starting to burn. Her dress had gotten dingy and dirty from the it being dragging across the dirt. Her mouth dry and lips chapped from dehydration and the while the only thing on her mind was The prince. She hoped that Polly had made it to the palace, and that it hadn't been any troubles along the way.

Ella felt horrible seeing her daughter look like a prisoner. Dirty, tired, a face like she had lived a hard life or two. When she was only a fetus in her mothers womb, Ella had never thought that she would be succumbed to the power plays of politics. The truth was that, Ella had bit off a lot more than she could chew and she was now drowning in a puddle of water trying to keep her head above it.. and yet it just keeps raining. Even though Malia knew in her heart that her mother would never betray her, Ella felt that she had betrayed everyone she loved and did not know how to make it right. She planned with Cassandra so that her child would live as well as her grandchild but now she worried she would witness another child of hers die.

She had a strong feeling, that was based off of the plan that she had concocted with Cassandra. Ella was started to feel like she had sold her soul to the devil herself.. and just wished they she would have let Cassandra kill her. She blamed herself for not doing so and being a pawn. She had wanted to see her daughter once more but to see her like this was agonizing. The sight of her heading back to the palace months ago was a much better place to end it than this tragedy.

"How much longer.. I've been walking since yesterday's sun up.. the sun is starting to set again." Malia complained. She could hardly lift another foot, walk another step. She stopped walking and one of the guards yanked the rope making her fall and splash into the mud.

"... you are not my Queen. I do not answer to you. You walk until we all stop which will be when we get there." The man spat at her. Malia gritted her teeth and stood up to her feet watching as all eyes were on her. Malia was not scared, she was not fearful, nor was she feeling defeated. Malia had been through some things and found herself prepared for the  worse yet to come .  She was aware that she was the Queen of this entire kingdom and that once Polly informed Nolan that the whole kingdom would get turned upside down to look for her but Even with that knowledge, she held herself like a Queen was supposed... she smiled.

"Okay.." she said shortly and plainly. The man was still frowning at her. He hawked and spit right in her direction letting her know he had no respect for her at all. Malia just kept her smile on her face and controlled her breathing. From her peripheral she could see her mothers sorrow but she didn't even turn her head to look at her. Malia was not that angry with her mother but did feel like it was her fault for putting them in this current situation, but at the same time.. what could her mother really do? Malia was grateful that she was able to talk to her mother and know the plan because if she hadn't, who was to know when the attack would be and who's to say her son wouldn't be in jeopardy due to it. Malia realized Nolan was doing a hunt for Cassandra, trying to locate her before hand but it had been long months of her  terrorizing their mental state.. there was no certainty of finding her, unless she wanted to be found. The fact that Malia hand ran into them and was know being brought before her was coincidental.

And now, Malia had the opportunity to be face to face with her. Talk to her, see what she was about. Play at weakness, so that Malia could work on her own strengths. Malia may have been raised a little different than most, but she was still nonetheless a daughter of a Knight.

Malia soon felt the horses start moving again and she had to keep walking or she would get dragged along.

"We'll meet up with the others soon.. it shouldn't be much longer.." Ella whispered to Malia from above the horse. Malia sighed and shook her head

"It's been long enough mother.." speaking towards the months and months of dead ends, and miscellaneous information leading to nowhere. Cassandra was the kingdoms biggest enemy mostly because her hatred for her son would result in the world burning down if it meant success of his demise. She was stuck in her vendetta which let Malia know everything she needed to know about her.

Nolan sat with his little son in his arms just staring at him. His sweet face and small giggles burned into his heart and he just couldn't imagine a day without him. This was a crazy notion because just a year ago Nolan could not picture a day with a little version of himself.

Nolan was trying not to get to mad about everything that was going on but he was starting to lose it. If Malia was with his mother he was sure to get a letter soon. Also, he knew that if he got blinded with his worry, and anger it would not solve anything. It hadn't been solving anything only leading to more deaths and dead people can't inform.

It did bring him to a point but He had to think smarter and the first thing he had to do was maintain order at the capital. News that the Queen is missing made him look even more weak as king, especially because he still had no real lead on where she could even be. All the men he had search, following each and every lead he had gotten and it only spun him circles. That only made it worse, Nolan knew his mother very well but not well enough to his satisfaction. He felt like he was lacking as a man, a king, a father and a husband. What type of king is still being abused by his mother as a grown man?  Nolan thought to himself.

It's been ten plus years and she still knew how to get in his head, make him feel worse than worse. Make him feel like he could just take a sword and drive it through his heart and then he could finally be free. The only question that would be left to ask would be, who would be here to protect his family? And that intrusive thought,

he could never compromise.

Nolan put Ezekiel on his chest and patted his back. Feeling his little body breath up and down. The love he had in his heart for him was something he never knew he could feel and the only other person who came close to that was Malia. He loved them both more than his life and life itself...

"Sir.. we will find her. The Queen is strong and will, power through this.." Kaziah said to Nolan seeing the look of defeat on his face. He hadn't seen this look,  never, not once he had served under him. He only saw the resentful, ruthless, nefarious, King who made moves and gotten results from them. Kaziah was aware that not being able to put a stop to this target was eating at Nolan more than he would say, but Kaziah's faith in the King had evolved into something he couldn't give up on. The moment his King had let the Queen into his heart he became a better man and King because of it. That was why Kaziah was proud of him, and he would not hesitate to stand in front of a sword to protect him. He just needed the King to see in himself what he saw in him. That achievement  would lead Nolan to his Goal.

"You are a King of many people and many people stand beside you.. in trying times like this it's easy to fall into a darkness but you don't have permission to. You have to stand tall, with Poise and assert your authority so no one will ever think to question you abilities in dire circumstances.. you've done it more than once.. I know you can do it again, I know because this time it's not just about you.. it's about The Queen and it's about the Prince..the future King of Ashdom. Walk the path so he can step in your footprints.." Kaziah expressed from his heart and then had quickly realized he had spoken to his king like he was his peer and cleared his throat and bowed his heart.

"Respectfully.. your majesty.." Kaziah added finally and Nolan looked at Kaziah and he saw the look in his eye. The look he had in his eye was the same look Xander used to give to him. The look of veneration, of reverence and that made Nolan return the look to Kaziah. It also gave Nolan tranquility, making him snap out of his foolishness. He stood to his feet and placed his son back into his crib and looked into his innocent eyes forming a plan.

"call off your men.. tell them to come back and stop looking. My mother knows how to hide in plain sight. If Malia is with her.. Cassandra will come to us soon." Nolan said looking at Kaziah with seriousness. He clenched his jaws and nodded

"Yeah.. she'll surely come to us.. and we will be ready for her when she does.. Her men, her horses, everyone, and Then we will take her to our dungeons.. I have a treat for her, I would like for her to have a smell of her own blood for a change."

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