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Nolan clenched his jaws as he had kneeled down looking at a dead body. He scoffed looking away and shook his head at the sight. How was he going to explain this to his wife whom was with child and just as zealous to be once again reunited with her family?

"Sir.. there's more.." Loretta said steadying her pace, not wanting him to pile him with the bad news but ease it on him. Nolan sighed and stood to his feet and looked up in the sky.

"Have the guards Pick up every dead body and make a grave for them right in the heart of the village. Every man, woman and child will be given a proper burial..." Loretta nodded and did as she was ordered. Nolan looked around seeing Kaziah picking up a body

"You what is your name?" He asked pointed to kaziah. Kaziah looked at the king and bowed before him.

"Kaziah, sir.." he replied and Nolan nodded walking beside him

"You were the man who saw these... massacre and sent word to the palace?" Nolan asked and Kaziah nodded

"Yes sir.. I was sent by Sir Gerry to give a letter to Lady Ella upon your request.. when I got here, this is all i found. I remember coming her with the Queen once, so I walked around to find her home when I saw it.." Nolan looked suspiciously and nodded

"Saw what..?"

Kaziah lead the king to the home of Lady Ella and her children and Nolan stopped in his tracks at the sight of children pinned to the porch. The swarm of flies hovering their bodies and the smell of old blood decaying along with their insides.

"Have mercy.." Nolan said. The guilt filled his heart. If only he had of allowed them to stay with their sister in the palace like Malia asked. Like she had begged rather, he felt it was his fault. His selfishness, his pettiness, his holding of grudges lead this to happen.

"A- and Lady Ella?" Nolan merely said looking from the bloody view to Kaziah who's eyes were burning with compassion.

"No sign of her your majesty.. I checked everywhere and I did not see her. Only them, and everyone else who has died.." Nolan looked down and took a minute to himself as he collected his thoughts.

"Collect their bodies, we will take them back to the palace. Allow The Queen to have a proper goodbye and then to have a public and honoring funeral." Nolan said sadly. For the first time Kaziah had seen an ounce of remorse, of guilt, of sorrow coming from his King. It was new, unexpected but it let Kaziah know that Nolan was also a Man before he was a King.

"Yes sir.."

Ella flinched as the sword came across her face down to her hands, cutting the rope that held her in bondage. The feeling of it loosening gave her a chance to breath and rub them from the soreness. She could see the bruises it had created and even though she had been dehydrated, starved and in pain.. the only thing on her mind was her children.

Cassandra sipped her wine with poise just eyeing Ella laughing to herself.

"Do you know why I have summoned you here, before me?" Cassandra asked. Ella stayed silent not really caring for her reasoning only envisioning the many ways she wanted to kill her.
Cassandra chuckled and moved her arm to the side having a servant collect her glass and step back.

"Aren't you the slight bit curious as to why I ordered the death of your children.. and left you alive?" Ella continued her silence only amusing Cassandra even more. Cassandra walked around Ella's chair pondering her next words.

"Did Harrison ever tell you his plans that lead to his demise..?... I'm sure you know he and I planned to kill my son and put Cecil on the throne, but the move Harrison made afterwards." Cassandra said smirking.
"I never really cared for Cecil that much, never really knew him and did not know why husband and son took to him so. But he was a better choice for King than my pretender, fraudulent son.."

Ella had grown tired hearing the sound of her voice and just wanted to attack her. Ella attempted to jump at her feeling a sword stop at her throat. She did not care about it at all, was not scared but yet wanted them to slit her throat.

"That's enough..." Cassandra commanded, the man lowered his sword, pushing Ella back down into the seat. Ella looked at him as if she could see herself murdering him, and spit on the ground near his feet in disrespect.

"Forgive me.. my men are too loyal for their own good sometimes." She said laughing

"Oh similar to how hieratic's worship Satan.." Ella said sarcastically, making Cassandra drop her smile. Cassandra decided not to tell her the information she had planned on enlightening her more of her husbands death, but just jump to the point.

"Hmm.. that was witty to say the least. I always adored you Ella so please don't think this is personal. In fact my order for you children's death was not personal.. cruelty? Yes but personal no... I need you alive." Cassandra said once again taking a sip of her wine.

"For what?!" Cassandra smirked and snapped her fingers at a man who was on the weaker side of appearance

"Mandel.. fetch me some paper, ink and a feather.. Lady Ella is going to send a letter to her precious daughter."

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now