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The weight of carry bad news made the trip back to the palace seem much longer than it was. The bodies of his queens siblings trailing in the back of them, having to bury everyone else quickly, with an unmarked grave. He didn't know how to tell her, and he was most ashamed of not knowing who was to blame. He had a deep rooted feeling this tragedy had lead back to his mother, yet he had no proof. He knew that it was not an attack from Muslims due to Nazir keeping his word of upholding peace, and with the martial alliance between he and Loretta soon, that chapter was no longer an issue.
He felt the carriage stop and the sound of people getting out to open the door. When he looked down he saw Kaziah, who had bowed and waited for His majesty to exited.

"Kaziah, you are a good man and your actions will not go unrecognized.. trust me." Nolan said stepping out and patting Kaziah on the shoulder. Kaziah bowed

"Thank you sir, it was no inconvenience of me. I was only doing my job, serving you and Queen Malia.. if you would allow me Sir, I would like to be of service to you in finding out who is responsible for this. With you order of ten great soldiers of my pick we could be closer to solving it." Kaziah said and Nolan sighed nodded his head

"That would be great... I am in your debt." Kaziah bowed again to him and stood waiting for an order to do with the children they had.

"And the Rhys children?" Kaziah said

"Take them to the mortuary.. discreetly. Once I inform the Queen.. we will figure out the next steps." Nolan said with his mind racing back to Malia.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now