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Flashback ....

Nolan ran with full speed down the corridors trying to get away. His breathing was getting short and he was losing places to run as she was chasing him all over the palace.

"I said I was sorry mother... I didn't mean to!!" He yelled at her trying to explain but the look on her face told him that she did not care about that. Nolan felt himself being grabbed and pulled into a dark place. He was fighting back but when he opened his eyes he saw his brother and his heart beat slowed down.

"NOLAN!!!" their mother screamed his name after losing him in the chase. Nolan felt the tears running down his face and the feeling of knowing she would get him and punish him.

"What did you do?" His brother asked. Nolan shook his head quickly. His brother sighed and kneeled down to his eye level.

"When I am king.. I will be able to protect you better, and I am so sorry I am can't do much as a measly prince but as king I will have mothers head for how she treats you. But for the meantime I just need you to be good, do what she says and don't upset her.." his brother said seriously trying to get Nolan to understand. Nolan was still so shaken up he was little shivering, teeth chattering and all.

"Xander.. Why can't I be more like you?.. she loves you.." Nolan said feeling his heart break as he said those words. Xander closed his eyes and embraced his little brother in a hug.

"Because you are Nolan Keith, second son of Rowan Keith and you are one of the best men I know. You will be somebody someday.." he clang onto his brothers words. The only person in his family that actually noticed his presence and loved him. Xander was just say of sixteen and knew that his baby brother looked up to him and looked to him for protection. He just couldn't protect him as often as he would like to.
Xander put his ear to the door and didn't hear any sign of their mother outside. He opened the door slightly and stepped out first and looked both ways and didn't see her. He monitored for his little brother to come out and Nolan walked out but stayed right beside Xander.

"Can I come with you and father on the tour?" Nolan asked in a begging way. He knew that his father and brother would be gone for nearly a year on a commonwealth tour, leaving him and his mother all alone in a big castle, with nobody to protect him. Xander grabbed onto his hand and started walking him towards the quad area.

"I wish you could.. but you are too little and have not been exposed to such germs and diseases and could fall ill, or get hurt somehow. It's also not allowed anyway.. the cabinet would never allow it.." Xander said annoyed at how it was so little he could do for his brother but how he was so important to the kingdom. Xander feared that he and his father would come home from their trips one day and find out that Nolan is dead and she was the cause. He blamed his father as well, turning a blind eye to it, the detachment he had with the both of them the only difference between Xander and Nolan was the line of succession. The only thing that gave Xander favoritism over Nolan although he never wished for it.

"Please Xander...." Nolan's little voice cracked only making Xander feel more bad about what was expected of him. Xander did not respond and just held his brothers hand continuing walking to the destination when he was called.

"Prince Xander!" They stopped and he turned his head to see nobles standing there looking at him saying so much without making a sound. Xander sighed and kneeled down to his brother and pulled him into a hug. Nolan hugged him tightly feeling Xander patting him on his back.

"Do you know what Nolan means?" Xander said pulling out of the hug and looking his brother in his eyes. Nolan shook his head no with tears running down his face. Xander smirked and wiped the falling tears and chuckled

"Believe it or not our mother prides herself in being a Christian woman.. although our father is Muslim.. and Nolan is a Christian name and it means Champion of people... power. And I promise you that one day you will own your name and live up to it. Be proud of who you are and nothing on this earth will scare you"
Xander said with confidence. He could feel eyes on him rushing him along with his process so he could leave. He sighed and put his hand on the side of Nolan face.

"You have endured the most at a young age which is why you are the best man I know. I believe in you and I love you.. promise me to close your eyes in light and keep them wide open in dark." Nolan took in every word his brother said not understanding everything but feeling what his brother meant. He knew that if his brother said it, it had to be true and he would always look up to him.

"Promise..." Nolan said with a light smile. Xander smiled and kissed his forehead. Nolan watched sadly as his brother walked away towards the men and with them disappeared, off on duties. Nolan stood there still staring at the empty hall for a moment just thinking about how his life would be. He only wanted to be as half as good as his brother, and wanted the love and respect he had gotten.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and his heart jumped out of his chest. When the hand briskly turned him around he was faced to face with his mother once more.

"You will be punished more for hiding from me. You can stop daydreaming because you will never be king, you're too weak." She said roughly grabbing his wrist and dragging him along as she walked in a vastly.

"I am not weak!" He yelled back and she gasped at the fact that he spoken back to her. His defiance, she thought, would not go in dealt with. She drew he hand back in an angry rage and slapped him across the face

".... how about a bath?"

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