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Thirty one days were spent in the shutters of the boat sailing across a bumpy sea. The winds were high, rain was aggressive and the waves were heavy. Being tied up and left in a dark space, Ella's body was flung all through the space. Hitting her head, arm, leg other leme repeatedly before there arrival.

Another month had past once they made it to land and she saw she was on some type of island surrounded by the men who murdered her children. She stayed quiet observing her surroundings when she was taken to a building. They all stopped infront of it, as two men held her in place so she would not try to escape. The door came down in a syncing motion reaching the ground as Cassandra Jalisa along with six Guards walked out behind her.

"Lady Ella... I've waited years to finally met you face to face.." Cassandra said with a smile.


"Mmmmmm..." Nolan moaned as he removed his manhood from the wetness of her mouth. She smiled wiping her mouth and standing to her feet. Nolan chuckled

"Ah.. miss Manners, you sure do know how to make a man say please and thank you." He said moaning again, sucking his teeth.

"Always happy to my king for I am his majesty most humble servant." She said bowing before him. Nolan smirked and clapped his hands

"Right.. tell Gerry I would like to see him. I need him to do a favor do me.." Nolan said in lamas terms letting her know that he was done with what he need from her and to leave doing what he asked. Dya bowed again before walking to the door

"Oh and my father thanks you for the new lands you bestowed him with.. we are grateful." Nolan short laughed sitting up looking at his files. Dya gave one last smile before exiting and finding Gerry letting him know he had been summoned by the king.

Gerry knocked on the door being urged to come in seeing Nolan overlooking things.

"Sir?" Gerry said and Nolan turned his attention to him.

"I want you to send word to Lady Ella Rhys that her and her children are welcome to stay in the palace from this moment forward upon request of my wife. Tell her that her estate and tenants will be accounted for and looked after by a lord of your choice... let her know that I am sorry for how I've handled things in the past and I would like her to be here welcoming her first grandchild in the world aiding my wife." Nolan said. He had time to think about all his wrongs he done and wanted to make some right. He couldn't go back in time and change things but he was more than grateful for Malia's faith in him and strength to live with him and his faults.

Nolan began to put Malia on a high pedestal, never seeing her do wrong only being herself. Only bing thoughtful, loved, loving, she was light in his darkness. She was the hope to his obligation and she was heart of his body. He started to love her but in the only way he knew how to love. Either way she made it possible and he just wanted her to be happy.

"I will do that immediately sir.. anything else?" Gerry asked, leaving Nolan in thought.

"Yeah actually I would like to see Loretta, I have an order for her."

Loretta walked down the halls to the kings office and knocked on the door

"Sir..? It's Loretta.." she said. After a moment she was told to come in and she opened the doors walking in closing them behind her. She admired the serious face he had painted on his face as he studied his papers, writing on another.

"Loretta you have been the best courtier a king could ask for. You are loyal, you're fierce, noble... if I had just ten men with your characteristics and your capability I would be king of the world." Nolan expressed making her feel a jump in her heart. To hear hi compliment her in that way was an honor to her that She did not take for granted.

"Thank you sir... I am most grateful for the acknowledgment.." she said Bowjng to him. He nodded

"Yes.. youve served me remarkably in the court... now I need you to serve me as such in a more structural way.." he said confusing her. Loretta took a breath.

".. sir?" She asked

"You are familiar with Nazir, the Duke of Nannet, where the late Cecil And I met before our duel..?" He asked with Loretta full awareness of the man he spoke of.

"Yes sir.. Cecil lived there under his protection since his exile. He's a influential advocate for the Muslims.. but what about him sir?" Loretta asked. Cecil sighed putting his hands together

"Well shortly after Cecil's.. death, I was given a letter reading that even though people of Islam would except the results following Cecils death, he would ultimately be seen as a martyr for an uprising. Apparently there have been instances were Muslim children are being kidnapped and murdered as hate crimes. Apparently I have not been as dutiful as needed in this matter and the Muslims are growing tired..." Cecil took a breath
"I need you Loretta, to Wed the Duke and form an alliance between us. You are a follower of me so whatever religion you practice is null in void due to you loyalties to me.. i need you to bring peace between the religions. You'll act as a free believer marrying a Muslim man, through your connection with me.. if they should ever be any invasion, or need of back up I will support you all fully."

Loretta had to take a seat after taking in the mouthful he had given her. To marry the duke would insure that there would be no uprising and to inherently solve the issues the people of Islam faced in ashdom due to the support and alliance with the king. Any act against a Muslim child or adult would be seen as an act against the king resulting in death. Loretta understood the politics behind it all but having to set aside her whole life and everything she had built in court and go and move to Nannet. She had been there that one occasion but the lands were foreign to her, she was an outlander there. The worst part of it was her distance from the king. She knew that she would never have an intimate relationship with him on any level but the fantasy was much easy to live, seeing his face on a regular. She wasn't sure she was ready to give it up.

"I want to thank his majesty for even considering me to do this task, I am honored actually.. it's just that I've always felt like Mh duty was here serving You.." she said. Nolan smiled and walked over to her

"I now Loretta, like I've said you have been the best.. but this is how you can serve me best.. by keeping that alliance, making sure I have one leas worry. For that I owe you the most... and think of it this way, you'll be a duchess and your children will be entitled to lands and status. You are moving up, not staying still.." Nolan said putting his hands on her shoulder. He had grown fond of her and loved her loyalty. She was the best and he was sad to let her go but there was no one else he trusted more to fulfill this order more than her.

Loretta sighed staring into his eyes just wanting him to say that he couldn't imagine not seeing her face and that he loved her.. but she knew what reality was. If she could give him the couldn't give I'd anything she wanted to do the thing he asked of her. The thing he entrusted with her.. she would wed Nazir the Duke of Nannet.

"I will make sure to name one of my children after our most worthy King." She said with a smile. Nolan smirked and kissed both of her cheeks

"Lovely.. just lovely.."

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