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They had not slept nor were they tired. All they did was talk and talk, plan and talk. No time for tears, no time for fears, only time for action.

"Tell me again what you have to do.." Ella said wanting to make sure it was no confusion, and no hesitation if this was gonna work it needed to be made fast and with no mistakes. Malia sighed not wanting to say it after saying it over and over again

"Mother.. I know. We've been over this more than enough.." Ella chuckled at her daughters comment

"What did I tell you when you were younger." Ella said and Malia groaned and then smiled

"We  practice to never get it wrong again, not to get it right once.. from memory. We have to stitch it into our brains and bleed it into our actions like ink." Malia recited and Ella smiled then nodded.

"Yes.. now tell me.."

Cassandra had looked over her hundred men and admittedly was nervous about her odds. She only had one hundred men whom were undeniably loyal and completely capable of winning, but she knew Nolan had more than that. More soldiers who were just as trained and just as ruthless, and with everything at stake, they were training to be calculated and grimy. Anything to win and collect his wife and her as well. It had been years since she had seen her son, years before she had been face to face with him and it was an making her more an more anxious.

"Thomas.. are your men ready?" Cassandra asked her commander of the men. The look on his face was disappointing to her because she had knowledge of his answer before he could say it.

"They are ready to fight of course, we've trained extra hard for the past month and even harder last few  nights,  but to go up against the entire palace..? And I'm sure the King will not do a champion fight, it will be army versus army. I'm afraid we may be wiped out before it even really starts." Thomas confessed. Cassandra groaned madly and had a mini temper tantrum. She had to finally let in the fact that she had little to go on. That her plans were always weak and that's why they never fell through, but one thing she would not do was give up and in this instance her tenuous behavior was keeping her in limbo.

"Fine. Fine, I knew this would be, but I have faith in you all. You all are fine warriors and I need you to win." Cassandra said and Thomas looked at her like trying to hide his facial expression. He was started to see that she was mad, and that this madness was leading him and the others to their graves.. graves with no honor, but they had already made their alliance and their decision.

"Yes, your grace.. I will send Lorenzo and Arnie with you back to the room with the captives while the rest of us prepare to the palace we should be there when the sun rises in the morning." He said bowing to her before walking away and then ordering the Lorenzo and Arnie to accompany Cassandra. They walked to the room and Cassandra looked in the little window not seeing them in sight.

"Open the door!" She said and Arnie struggled with the keys but eventually unlocked the door walking in and then being brought to his knees being stabbed with the same dagger he had stuck in Malia's  hand, in his lower back. Lorenzo and Cassandra walked in but Lorenzo too was grounded when a piece of rope used to tie Malia's wrist previously, was wrapped around his neck, chocking him to death. Cassandra was so confident in her men's power that she never armed herself So she just stood there looking at what was happening.

Ella used every bit of her strength to use that rope to take every bit of air from his lungs, All the while being jerked around almost thrown off of him if it weren't for her grip. She imagined the image of her husband being killed and then the awful sight of her children one by one popped into her head and she used her aggressions to slowly but surely kill Lorenzo. Long after he had stopped fighting and trying to swing her off of him, long after he had stopped breathing , Ella was still holding it around his neck. She realized that she was overdoing it and didn't have time and let go seeing that Malia had instantly killed Arnie with the dagger.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now