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Eight thousand people sitting around the field waiting for the event of the evening.. the fight that would determine the head the crown would sit on. Every one was on there toes, wondering how it may turn out. They knew that they're king was amazing with a sword but things still happened. One miscalculation and that's they end of the Keith reign.

Bells started being rang and people started preparing, a horn was blown and the two men exited from their corners. They met in the middle of the of the dirt ground standing before the entire kingdom, noble and common people, ready to fight to the death.

"The stakes of these duel will be the throne to ashdom.. each qualified man will fight to the death, may god.. save the king." Loretta said loudly before the people of ashdom. The sound of the people reciting God save the king overshadowed the boos  from the Supporters of Cecil.

Nolan smiled at Cecil and even bowed before him. Once he stood up his smile remained.

"May you cherish that bow.. that will be the first and last time you get that honor." Nolan said causing Cecil to laugh.

"Fragile Boy prince turned unequipped king... prove me wrong.." Cecil said sarcastically.

"First sound of the horn, it will begin.." Loretta said with her heart beating out of her chest.

Malia was about to worry herself into sickness as she was thinking about every negative way things could turn out. If Nolan lost, people would try come for her head as well as try to claim her child a bastard. This would make them ineligible of title or any rights to the throne contradicting with their birth Right. Malia feared for everything but at the same time had hope, had hope that the man who had did the things he did to make people despise him enough to come after him. Malia hoped that the man she once hated with every once of her soul won this fight.

Malia broke from her concentration when she saw Polly walk passed. She and Malia had grown closer over the time and kindled a friendship through their time together.

"Polly.. I need you to do me a favor.." Malia stated. Polly stopped what she was doing and bowed before her.

"Anything, Your grace.." Polly said having a suspicion on what the favor was but still waited to hear.

"I need you to go and try to find out what's going on.. try to see who is winning and who is losing. Something that will soothe my racking brain." Malia requested. Polly vowed again nodding her head

"I will do my best to bring back news to calm you." Polly said before rushing out of the room to complete the task.

The horn was blown and both Nolan and Cecil drew their swords. Cecil wasted no time striking Nolan as he charged at him violently but was blocked by Nolan's sword making a loud cling when they connect. Nolan used the base bottom of his boot to kick Cecil in his chest making him scoot back and fall to the ground. Nolan attempted to just end it there and stab him in the chest but Cecil blocks the action causing another loud clinking sound. Nolan drew back and charged again but Cecil blocked it turning over and in a quick motion kicking up back to his feet.

Cecil sniffled as the two walked in a circle.

"The saddest part of this all is that when i first met you I thought you were just a boy who needed love." Cecil said swinging his sword and cutting his side making Nolan yell out sightly with the gasping sounds of the ground. Cecil pushing him back arming his sword again.

"But then I saw that anybody who actually loved you.. you killed like they never want anything to you." Cecil said making an contorted face and swinging his sword again but it was blocked, but this time Cecil reached in his pocket pulling out a smaller knife and stabbing Nolan right in his ribcage area.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now