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Malia sat up staring at Nolan's naked body laying across the bed watching his back move up and down from his breathing. He had spent every night in her bed since they're Union on the day of the dinner. Malia still fought with her feelings about him and who he was as a person, and king but one thing she could not fight was how she was weak to his touch. The moment she let herself fall into enjoying the way they made love she could not deny the way she yearned for it. She was addicted to the ecstasy it brought her, the way she was just able to forget everything bad and just swarm in pleasure.

They doors opened and Loretta stood there look indirectly at their nakedness but directly into Malia's eyes. Malia was annoyed with Loretta and they way she always seemed to me around, in Nolan's ear it was like she wanted him to herself and Malia did not like that.

"What is your problem.. you can't just move around this palace like it belongs to you. I don't appreciate the intrusion." Malia protested. Loretta bowed before her Queen

"I apologize My lady, i meant no disrespect. It's just fist light outside and The king needs to be on his way to Nanten now because it gonna be a two day trip." Loretta explained reluctantly. She was very good at hiding her emotions and how she truly felt by a polite tone and smile, as well as her due diligence when it came to taking orders. Loretta did not think Malia was worthy of Nolan. She felt like she had no respect for him and was too much of a hassle than an asset, but Loretta would never express her feelings.

Malia nodded and waved her hand in dismissal.

"Alright.. I'll wake him and let him know. You are free to make sure the arrangements are taken care off and things go smoothly." Malia said in an order tone. Loretta smiled and bowed and before taking her exit from the room. Malia sighed and put her hand on his back.

"Nolan.. it's time to wake up and be king again." Malia said jokingly rubbing her hand up and down his back. Nolan groaned turning over but with his eyes still closed.

"Already?.." he said just as jokingly. The two shared a small laugh as he opened his eyes looking at how beautiful she looked.

"I wanna stay right here with you, like this all day, Mmm come here." He said pulling her closer. She laid on her side as the faced each other with only her small bump in between them.

"I'm sure you do.. but we need you to have this meeting. Lives depend on it actually." She said. Nolan crookedly smiled. He was surprised at how she was acting towards him. He had told her what he told her yesterday in hopes that she would understand and it seemed like she was. Malia understood more than she thought she would and it was all a lot of information to take in and cope with but one way or another things would settle in.

Nolan shook his head looking at her and bit her neck, making her chuckled and playfully push him.

"You are lucky I have to go and you have to stay here.." he said standing up on his feet taking breaths each time he exhaled flexing his muscles. Malia felt herself aroused at the sight of him.

"We'll come back to me in one piece and do to me what you wish you could do today." Nolan's eyes sparkled with lust and his nodded his head in agreement.

"Oh most definitely will take that invitation my love... but for now I most bid you adieu for a while but I will see you soon." He said putting his clothes on and leaning over and kissing her forehead and then her belly.

"Eat plenty of vegetables.. we want a strong and healthy baby.." he said and Malia nodded pushing him away

"I know Nolan... just go do what you have to do" he chuckled and exited the room meeting Loretta and guards

"Sir.. we're ready to head out." Loretta notified him. Nolan still caught up in his bliss from his recent encounter with his wife. He had started to actually enjoy her presence and felt like he could feel happy.

"Alright!.. let's get a move on."

They arrived in Nanten in two days exactly, it had been a long, tiresome travel on horses but they had finally made it. Nolan jumped down from his horse and looked back seeing his deep army behind him.

"Alright guys.. this is not a war, this is not a battle. We did not come here to fight, at least not today. Though we are prepared for it, our goal is just to talk, gain information, and plan a date to fight. Like I said this a personal vendetta and it will only lead to bloodshed but I will not lead you all into a burning house.. just follow my lead and things will be okay." Nolan instructed and everyone agreed to follow his lead as they did usually. They knew that their job was to protect the king at all cost, even though they were ordered to not fight if the opposing army tried to raise their swords, that's exactly what Nolan's army would do.

Nolan turned back around to the side view of the field. On the other side of it he could see men, because they were so far it was hard to make out their faces but he knew it was Cecil. He grabbed binoculars and looked into them seeing Cecil sitting on top of his horse talking.

"I'm gonna ride out and meet him in the middle."

"Your majesty I don't think that a good idea.." Loretta said worried that it would be a trap and the king could be killed. Nolan shook his head and climbed back on his horse and got prepared to ride

"Trust me Loretta.. I'll be fine." Nolan said reassuringly as he clicked his teeth and his horse started galloping down the hill.

Cecil looked out with his own binoculars and saw that Nolan was moving. Taking heed to his gesture he decided to do the same thing.

"Nobody is to make a move unless I saw so.." Cecil ordered and started riding to meet in the middle with Nolan.

Once the two men had met in the middle they stopped their horses calming them down as they stared each other down. Nolan smiled brightly.

"Long time no see cousin.."

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now