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Both Malia and Nolan sat in the council's office catching everyone up on everything. Malia was know aware of whom the formerly unknown man was, Charles Warren. His son Vaughn was murdered in pursuit of search, a causality of war , as was his wife. Though Nolan hadn't yet explained where the kids were, he would soon have to.
Nolan was now knowledgeable about the children of the deer and about Polly and her husbands involvement.
Things were now all being discussed and rising to the surface but the question remained of would there be chance of another war due to the grief. A grieving father whom had lost a son, brutally at that.
Ashdom had been in a war that had cost so much and going to war once more this soon would be beyond costly, infact this would leave ashdom running on the edges of poverty.

"What is the plan for after we deliver Vaughn's desecrated body to this Charles Warren? Surely this man is the leader of this forsaken cult. Do not underestimate the power of those who seek a savior in a human being lead by the devil." Kaziah spoke and Grandmaster Arnold scoffed at his remarks.

"Beliefs are of the beholder, some once said Christianity was of the devil and yet a massive part of the ashdom population is Christian. Are they lead by the devil.." Grandmaster's questioning in the rights and wrongs of this cult especially of which is known for their heretical activities.

Bth Malia and Nolan furrowed their eyebrows.

"Grandmaster.. Are you telling me that those vile people are lead by anything other than evil?" Malia asked at this point feed up with the deer children and wanted to be rid of them. Difference of religion and beliefs are one thing, but to take part in murdering children and adults with spells or whatever dark magic they're playing with is totally different.

Nolan and everyone else sat waiting whilst Grandmaster tried to respond but could not find the words to answer properly which only enraged the man.

"No my Queen.. my apologies.." was the only words that he could make out after long moments of silence.

The room went back into focus trying to come up with solutions to the matter at hand.
They only had so much longer before they could decide. Ashdom was at stake literally- the people were being attacked from the inside. This madness needed to be stopped.

Nolan collected thoughts as others conversed about what to do.

"I will give him his son and the wife. He could at least bury them to his prerogative. We will just have to prepare for war if should need be, either way a discussion between Warren an I need to be had. Our people can not just be killed in their own homes. We have to figure out how they're even contracting this sickness without hesitation!" Nolan expressed his feelings through his tone and facial gestures.
All nodded in agreement.

"So when do we move?" He was asked. He looked at Malia and lightly smirked

"Now.. Kaz can you get the dear belated couple." He asked in demand. Kaziah immediately did what he asked in haste.

"..and the children.?" Malia asked, fearful of the answer in which all anxiously longed to know as well.

"They're alive.. but with a family who could not have their own. Their kind, loving and religious." Nolan said. Malia could understand what Nolan did, after all she was the one who told him that she wanted blood. It's just that she could also understand Warren possibly wanting to go to war. She felt much sorrow 
for that family, but if she were Warren, she would want her grandchildren with her, not strangers.
They had to send for them. She did not care about seeming like they were conceding to this man, truthfully they did not yet know the full capabilities of the deer  children but from what has been seen- one could infer the dangers of the situation.
  Malia also saw the look in his eyes and heard the words he spoke. She was uncertain of what Warren's definition of havoc meant. Malia Kent that if people kept dying, a rebellion was near. That was the last thing anyone needed.

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