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Malia was enjoying herself in the heart of Ashdom with the common people. She didn't feel like she had to be afraid that they would try to ambush her but from the warmth they had given her upon her arrival she felt like she had their trust. The awed over the prince and they themselves felt like they would give their lives for him. People coming to them giving them homemade gifts, shows in their honor of people singing dancing.. Malia was more than grateful and it brought her to tears. She had lost so much, her father, her siblings, her village who were all such a huge part of her life and then with her mother still missing.. this trip was necessary.

"What are you doing, I should have your hand for trying to steal from me girl..!" The yelling and the sight of a young girl being scolded by a dirty, ragged old man broke Malia from her daze and made her give that situation full attention. Polly could looked at the wooden house the two had exited from and saw markings on the sides and windows of the house in blood. Her heart began racing and did even more so when she saw the same marking burned into the mans arm and forehead. Malia so worried about the little girl who looked scared for her life did not see them and proceeded to their direction with hesitation and warning from Polly.

"What is the matter with you!" Malia yelled just before the Man could strike the girl with a stick. The man stopped with his arm still suspended in the air and looked towards them. Polly put her hand on Malia's arm and tried to urge her that it was not wise to engage.

"Your grace we've been out of the capital for a while now.. we should get back to the palace before sundown. Not everyone is as kind as some have appeared to be.." Polly warned and gave the prince a light smile when he made a noise. Malia looked at Polly and was not sure of what she meant about the risk but she did know that this girl looked scared and she was not about to let him hurt her.
The man lowered his arm and spit to side and wiped his mouth off before bowing and giving a crooked smirk.

"I heard we were being blessed with her Majesty's presence today.. if it is not to inappropriate to say, the tales don't give your beauty justice." The man said chuckling making both Malia and Polly uncomfortable. The little stood to her feet and started running away

"..wait!" Malia yelled after her but she just kept running and Malia groaned in frustration. She looked at the man and walked up to him

"Don't let me catch you hassling any more children or I promise you I'll have more than your hand.. and you mind your tongue when you speak to me or I'll personally order my guard to caught it out of your mouth and feed it to our dogs.. understood?" Malia said looking straight into his eyes letting him know that she was more than serious and he short laughed, letting another fake smirked crept across his lips and through his hands up in defeat before bowing again.

"We are as clear as glass, my Queen.." he said still bowing and Polly still feeling very uneasy about the situation. Malia looked around finally noticing the markings and did a hard swallow before turning around and walked away.

".. what were those markings.. and why were they written in blood..?" Malia asked Polly wondering if she knew from the gossip that's is discussed amongst servants and common people. Unfortunately, Polly knew all to well.

"Those are markings from the Deer children.. they're a cult that started off as a rogue religious group and overtime as grown.. they are dangerous and are outcast..." Polly stuttered on her words not wanting to actually say this but knew she had to let her Queen know everything she did. "They've been known to kidnap sick children and interbreed them with animals trying to create a superior race of humans who can survive what they call the sickness" Polly finished. She knew what she was saying was insane and crazy, but they have been around for years and have gotten more and more extreme over the years.

Malia was shocked to know of such things. She knew people had monsters inside of them and were capable of despicable things, but at the same time she grew up on her village with close knit people who would give their lives for one another. The horrors that lurked in the shadows were often hidden but also had a light shun over it, exposing it to some more than others.

The two woman along with the baby prince still walking back to the carriage with Malia in deep thought.

"How do you know so much about it..?" Malia asked knowing that information was talked about but the description Polly had given her was a bit more insightful than town gossip. They got into the carriage finally sitting down and getting settled. Polly felt her hands getting clammy and wiped them off on her dress and felt her stomach drop.

"- my husband got recruited two years ago. His father was a influential member and he used to say he would never.. I don't know what happened" Polly started and Malia face changed. She had often wondered why Polly hadn't talked more about him or her life, and figured that maybe this was it.

"Polly.. I had no idea." Polly nodded and wiped a tear that had escaped from her eye bed.

"I never told you.. in embarrassment. My husband betrayed me and his daughter for a blasphemous cult. The worse part of it all.. he didn't even look me in the eye as I wailed in the streets for him.. begging" Polly said finally admitting her secrets and letting Malia know. Malia felt horrible because Polly, whom had become her most closest friend , had been dealing with this tragedy all the while being her person during hers. Malia felt like she had to do something about these people, they had to be stopped and when she and Nolan were done with Cassandra, she would come for this issue with full force.

Malia put her hand in Pollys consoling her as she lightly sobbed.

"Im so sorry Polly.. truly. I will try to do everything in my power to get you justice." Malia said and Polly lightly smiled and wiped her tears knowing it was time to get herself together and do her duty, which was be their for the Queen.

"You haven't eaten in hours My lady.. maybe we can stop to get some on our way back." Malia nodded impressed with her strength.

"Yeah let's.."

Queen Malia and Polly were enjoying a meal while the wet nurses, Malia had come with her were feeding the prince.

"I am pleased to know I don't have to travel all the way to the capital to lay eyes on my sweet girl again.."

Malia heard the familiar voice coming from behind her and paused not wanting to turn around afraid she was just daydreaming, but she did. Slowly turned her head to the side and her heart fluttered as she saw her mother look so tired and worn out behind her. Her mother lightly smiled at her and Malia immediately felt tears run down her face.

".. mother..?"

Chapter 22 is finished with more to come. I know it's getting to be a lot of chapters and so much information in them but I promise it'll all come together.

Do you trust Ella? Is she here to warn her daughter or to betray her?

How can Malia handle the next situations to come?

Is Malia completely depended on the King or is she her own person?

Find out in the chapters to come!

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