Chapter 55

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Whistling a soft tune to myself, I walk down the sidewalk with Angel by my side. The little Samoyed strutting beside me as I walk down the street, heading back home after spending half an hour taking my little dog for a walk around the area toward the park before playing a bit of fetch with her for a small while. My feet gently tap against the pavement of the sidewalk as Angel and I cross the road and begin heading down the street that Keigo and I live down. Legs slowly begin to cramp up slightly (since I've been practically housebound for the past few weeks), trying to get used to the long walks again.

Keigo and I have slowly begun to get back to normal now that our jobs begin chasing after us on the horizon. The pair of us beginning to get back into a routine and waking up earlier than usual instead of staying in bed until we feel like it. Recently, I've been hounded by my previous agency ever since I handed my three week notice in. I've been told that it's going to be a 'bad decision' and that 'I'm never going to be successful if I change agencies' yet I didn't really care about what they had to say. They're just being bitter because they've lost me. That Keigo is no longer being a model for their agency because he refuses to have another makeup artist that isn't me (plus he knew that the other artists would try and get into his pants). Which wouldn't look good if anything happened. So I knew I needed to leave.

Besides... It's my life. It's my career and I'm becoming known for my talents! Which is amazing!

Then, on the other hand, Keigo has been hounded by the Commission and other heroes about my kidnapping. Apparently, according to Endeavor, they've uncovered something about the gang that kidnapped me and they need Keigo to give them more information. That's all I knew about the situation; that's all Keigo will tell me at the moment. For all I know, they could be affiliated with the League of Villains considering Dabi was doing their dirty work. So, while I've been at home looking after Angel and cleaning the house, Keigo has been at the agency sorting out paperwork. Going back to his hero duties despite his wings not entirely recovered yet (they feathers are there but they're like baby feathers at the moment).

As Angel and I reach the front porch, I grab the front door keys to unlock the door. Obediently, Angel sits by the door with her tail wagging happily. Her bright blue eyes shimmering with utter happiness as I unlock the door and allow her to walk in before I shut the door behind me. With the door locked behind me and the latch on too, I kneel down to take off her harness and kiss her forehead when I've finished. A faint smile on my lips as Angel immediately scurries to the kitchen to have a drink while I place Angel's leash and harness into the little wicker basket that Keigo and I have reserved for Angel's walking gear.

Our house began to feel more and more like a home since we've been staying at home more and more. We arranged the living room properly and painted the walls, the kitchens all fitted and done and so is the downstairs bathroom. Our bedroom is also finished (we did that first) and we've also sorted out a spare room... yet we've reserved one (just in case) for when (hopefully) Keigo and I finally decide we're ready for a baby. Currently, it's a storage room. However, we have been planning what to do with it when we have the time. Even Angel had her own little area that is just hers.

Pushing to my feet, I run my fingers through my hair to work the knots out of it while walking into the kitchen. I fill the kettle up with cold water, smiling to myself as I notice the collage of pictures of both Keigo and I when I turn the kettle on and the water starts to boil. A bark leaves Angel's snout as she looks up at me, waiting for me to give her a treat for such a good walk (to which I happily oblige) before pouring hot water into my teacup. The teabag inside making the water turn into a brown colour before lightening up as I add milk and sugar to my tea.

With Angel curled up in her little mini dog bed, I walk into the living room and slide down onto the couch. As the soft cushion envelopes around my limbs, I release a relaxed sigh and sip at my tea before narrowing my eyes at the small little note sitting on the coffee table. A faint giggle leaving my lips as I notice a small cluster of rose petals bordering it in shape of a heart. Shaking my head, knowing it's probably Keigo playing a game, I pick up the small envelope and open it up. My heart swelling with joy as I read the scruffy handwriting on the piece of paper.

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