Chapter 13

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Days like this, I remember why I don't like Takami Keigo in the first place!

Today, of all days, Keigo had to turn up late! I couldn't believe he had the gall to do that to me. He was late! Late! Not two minutes late. Not fifteen minutes late. He turned up nearly an hour late to hair and makeup! And he didn't even apologise! He didn't even have the common courtesy to explain why he was late in the first place! Just waltzed in like nothing ever happened and sat down in the chair. He even had the audacity to smile at me! Who does that?!

However, it was clear as day as to what Keigo got up to before work. The reason why he was late was so obvious that he may as well have screamed it from the rooftops. He was getting some action in. Simple as that. Getting some early morning 'exercise' to 'pump himself up' for the day. Sleeping with some random chick that he probably met in some sleazy bar. How could he even do that? Wouldn't that taint his reputation? Or was his 'womaniser' persona just a way of getting him popular with the ladies? Was it fake?

Well... whatever the deal was, he still came to work looking as bedraggled as ever. His messy blonde hair looked like a rats nest! It was so scruffy! His shirt was untucked, crumpling at the front (probably from the haphazard way he tore it off his amazing body). His jacket collar was up. His pants were loose. Belt undone. His pale yellow visor nowhere to be seen. He didn't care. Of course he didn't.

But I had to make him look presentable!

That, in itself, took more time than it had to! I couldn't believe the amount of things I had to put up with in that one day! Keigo was being difficult too! It was almost as if he were in a mood? Almost. He just seemed out of it... But regardless, that doesn't mean you treat people horribly because you feel like shit. It's not a nice way to be...

What I didn't understand... was why it was bothering me so much than he was sleeping around...

It wasn't like he was my boyfriend! We weren't even close! I mean, we're not even classified as friends. We're, really, just work colleagues. We don't have each other's numbers. We don't follow each other on social media. We see each other at work, have a laugh and then go home. Nothing more. Nothing less. Why was I even bothered about it? Its not like he's cheating on anyone...

Yet... whenever I see him with another girl or flirting with another girl at work or, even, texting some girl that I don't know... I get a bit, I don't know, jealous. My mouth goes dry. My shoulders tense up and my wings fluff up. My stomach feeling practically hollow. But I don't know why! That's what I hate about this! I don't understand why I feel like this...

I shouldn't even feel like this...

Sighing gently, just wanting to forget today, I unlock the door and walk into my home. As I shut the door behind me, Angel comes bounding toward me with a happy bark, jumping up at my legs for me to pick her up and give her a cuddle. Happily, I oblige, putting my bag down onto the side before picking up the excited pup, giving her kisses as she snuggles and yaps and licks at my cheek. Her bright blue eyes shimmering with glee. At least she had a good day.

"Hello baby, did you have a good day?" I coo, kissing her forehead as I head toward the kitchen, knowing she's after food, a giggle leaves my lips as she begins to wriggle and writhe excitedly in my arms. Hungry. Finally getting what she wants. Smiling, I set her down on her feet before opening the cupboard full of her food, pulling out the dry food before filling her bowl up the dog instantly on the bowl like no tomorrow, "That's a good girl,"

Humming gently, I look toward the clock and smile to myself as I notice the time. Amai was still at work. I could have a little self care time after the horrible day I've had.

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