Chapter 51

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"Hey Baby Bird, how you doing?"

Putting on a brave face, sending me his signature lopsided cocky grin, sits Keigo with a small sigh. My heart breaking when I notice his Adam's apple bobbing anxiously when my Aunt Yuna pushes me further into his hospital room to get closer to him. His eyes were like a tunnel into his emotions, the yellow bright hue that often came with his eyes were almost dull and strained. That spark in his eyes fizzling out as he looks back toward the window. The skin around his eyes becoming red and puffy and seemed to irritate him slightly... Almost like he had been crying for a while.

Taking a deep breath, I wheel myself closer to him before sending my Aunt a reassuring smile. The woman kisses my cheek gently, patting my back before sending a smile toward Keigo who grimaces before looking back out the window. As soon as my aunt leaves the room, I move the wheelchair to the side of the bed and place it as close as I can toward the end. Once I'm at the end of the bed, I slowly pull myself onto the bed and crawl toward my boyfriend who can't help but chuckle softly at my actions.

Immediately, as soon as I'm beside him, he wraps his arms around my tightly to keep me as close as he can toward me. My head is places on his shoulder, his fingers brushing through my hair as he rests his chin on my head. My boyfriend taking a deep breath as he rubs my back with his other hand. A sniffle leaving his lips as I slowly snuggle into his warmth and wrap my arms around him tightly. Nuzzling deeper into his warmth, I press my ear against his chest while taking a deep breath. A faint smile on my lips that I can now cuddle with my boyfriend without worrying about being kidnapped by anyone...

But it isn't the same...

As I feel his back gently, my fingers feel over bandages that are occupying his back. His neck covered with white bandages that were pristinely wrapped around his porcelain skin. I couldn't help but pull back slightly to assess the bandages to see where they really were. My eyes widening at the sheer amount of bandages that adorned his skin. The ones around his neck. The ones going over his shoulders and down his back. Across his stomach too and down his arms. The male sending me a weak smile as I slowly trace each of the bandages and look up at him worried.

I haven't even been told what happened to him, all I know is that he and Dabi had a fight between one another. My mom hasn't even said what happened, all I know is that he had to undergo a really important surgery... my heart breaking slightly as I look up into his eyes and cup his cheeks into my hands. As I rest our foreheads together, I take a deep breath and intertwine our hands together while he snuggles into my warmth.

"I'm just so glad you're okay..." he mumbles softly, nuzzling his nose against mine while I send him a weak smile and peck his lips gently making him chuckle, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you... I love you so much,"

"I'm glad you're okay too... I can't believe you would scare me like that," I mumble back softly, humming as he pulls me into his lap. Letting me straddle his thighs, I pull him closer and take a deep breath. The intimate moment between us slowly allowing us to bask in each other's presence, "What the hell happened to you?... Kei... your w... your wings..."

Upon hearing that word, Keigo looks away and pulls his body away from my own in a sort of act of insecurity. My heart wrenching in pain as I look toward him worried, clearing my throat as I try to wrap my arms around his neck to pull him close. The male flits his eyes toward me before looking away and leaning back against the headboard of the hospital bed. His hands wrap around my waist as he buries his head into the crook of my neck. The wet feeling of tears springing against my shoulders as his shoulders slightly begin to heave...

Oh god...

As seconds pass, Keigo slowly becomes more and more distraught. His hands tightening around me as he chokes on a sob. Tears staining my neck and shoulders while I kiss his cheek and rub his back ever so gently. I knew better than to prod. Keigo needs some time to grieve before he tells me which is perfectly understandable. Seeing him so crushed makes my heart jump into my throat, ready to be puked up. I couldn't believe how much pain someone could go through... then again, he's just lost his wings which were the only source of his quirk. So he's not only lost his wings but he's lost his quirk...

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