Chapter 17

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Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I take a deep breath as I button up my blouse, getting myself ready for the week ahead. My heart in my throat as I brush my outfit down, my wings fluttering gently every so often, at my skittish demeanour. A shaky sigh leaving my lips as I look toward my alarm clock, nearly lunch time, my heart hammering against my ribs as I take the stairs down, heading to the kitchen to grab my bento box.

My sister sat at the island, her chocolate eyes focusing on me, a small worried yet reassuring smile on her lips as I run my fingers through my hair. Beside my sister, sat Angel, her fluffy snow tail wagging gently as she barks gently toward me. Amai walks up to me and hugs me from behind as I make myself a coffee to take into work. Resting her head on my shoulder as she sighs gently.

It's been a week...

A week since we went out to that bar. A week since Keigo almost kissed me. A week since I left the bar on my own. A week since I got attacked by some thugs in an alleyway. A week since Keigo saved me from something that I couldn't even imagine...

I didn't even know what came over Keigo. As soon as he took me home, he rang the modelling agency we work at and explained the situation. He got me a week off. Told me to take some time to get over it. Telling me that if I just soldiered on (which is what I wanted to do) that I'd burn myself and it'd catch up with me. Reluctantly, I did as Keigo told. Letting him hand me my comfy clothes and wrapping me in a blanket.

He even stayed with me until Amai, Rumi and Yu got back.

He was a completely different person. Like... he wasn't his usual flirty, sarcastic and mind numbingly annoying self. He seemed caring. Kind, even. He, surprisingly, held me close as we watched tv. Snuggling on the couch. I didn't even know how... it just seemed so surreal... he was gone when I fell asleep in his arms (possibly due to Amai returning with Rumi and Yu). He even left me some chocolates for when I woke up. It was... I don't want to say strange... but it felt so weird... to have him... care for me...

So, into the present, here I was, hyping myself up to go to work. I couldn't hide in the comfort of my home for so long. I had to go to work. I needed to break out of that little cage and let myself back to reality. Amai, however, would rather I stay at home for another month. Being her usual overprotective self.

She even refused to acknowledge that Keigo saved me!

"You sure you'll be okay?" Amai asks gently, rubbing my back as I pour the hot water into my flask with some coffee granules, sorting my own coffee out with a small sigh, "You don't have to go in... you know that..."

"I'll be fine, don't worry..." I reply, twisting the cap of my flask tightly onto the top before turning around in her arms and wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug, "I need to go back to work... I can't stay at home for the rest of my life,"

"Alright... just... stay safe..." she says softly, kissing my cheek gently before letting me go, sending me a reassuring smile as I grab my bag, fitting my bento box and flask inside, "Is your phone on? You can contact me right?"

"Amai, I'll be fine, please don't make me more anxious than I already am," I tell her, ruffling Angel's fur before heading toward the door, slipping my shoes onto my feet with a deep breath, "Have a good day, Amai, I love you,"

"I love you too, (Y/n)," she says softly, picking up Angel and holding her close to her body to try and calm herself down as I open the front door and leave the house, "Stay safe!"

Smiling to myself, I shut the door behind me before spreading my wings. Letting the air swirl around my feathers as I let them flap gently, my body slowly becoming weightless as I shoot into the sky. The wind slotting through my hair, making it slick back before blowing everywhere. A giggle leaving my lips as I soar through the sky, my snow white wings glistening in the sunlight as I flit through the sky. My eyes scanning the street below, trying to deduct where my destination was. As it comes into my vision, I swoop down to the street, running my fingers through my hair as I walk into the building.

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