Chapter 52

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Pinches of excitement splashes into the air as Keigo and I slowly begin to come back into the pace of normality again. A faint giggle leaving my lips as I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep breath, the thought of coming back home after all this stuff happened settling happily in my stomach. Eyes twinkling with utter joy as I slowly slide out of my hospital bed and stretch my arms over my head. My legs wobbling slightly due to being bedridden for so long. Beside me, stands Auntie Yuna, the woman rubbing my back as she holds me upright gently to help me get used to putting my weight back onto my feet.

The thought of finally coming back home sits happily in my mind. Being in the comfort of my home, surrounded by the smells that bring me solace. The thought of finally being able to snuggle up on the couch, wrapped in one of the many fluffy blankets we own and watching tv; catching up on anything that we missed. Finally having food that I make myself or even food that Keigo cooks. Being in my own bed with my boyfriend cuddling into my side. I couldn't wait to get back into that normality again. I wanted my life to shift back to normality... but I knew that was very slim.

Regardless, I finally get to see my Baby Angel after being separated from her for so long...

Sighing gently to himself, Keigo pushes to his feet and stretches his arms over his head. The blonde hissing in pain as he tries to stretch the wings that aren't even there. His back muscles clenching and tensing for nothing making him whine gently and walk toward me for comfort. His hands already raking through my wings as we finish getting ourselves ready to leave this hell hole they call a hospital.

Not that I have anything against hospitals. I just don't like being in them for too long. I'm starting to get nauseated by the smell of heavily sterile instruments and the sight of natural colours. I just want to be in a place where it's comfy and I know I'll be happy in... hospitals just spell bad news for me (in my opinion).

After making sure that everything has been packed that we need to take home, Keigo having the medicinal creams for his burns on his back and me having vitamins and tablets I need to take due to practically being starved for three days straight, we finally make a start on heading home. A faint giggle leaves my lips as Keigo nuzzles his nose into my white angel wings. Our eyes meet for a split second before we lace our fingers together before leaving the hospital room. My mother, my aunt in front of us and my stepdad behind us, leading us through the hospital toward the back entrance to avoid any confrontation with any paparazzi surrounding the front entrance.

As we arrive at the car, Keigo still rakes his fingers through my wings. His eyes admiring each and every intricate detail of the wings while we get comfortable in the back seat. The blonde mumbling to himself as he rests his cheek against my shoulder and run his fingers through the feathers. A faint smile plays on my lips as I kiss his forehead and let him fiddle with the wings gently.

Playing with my wings is his coping mechanism. After losing his wings and the uncertainty of when his wings will eventually grow back, Keigo has been fiddling with mine to still have that sort of normality with him. I know that it isn't much but to him, it means the world. He loves having them wrapped around him, to snuggle into whenever he's feeling down. Both him and I use each other's wings for different coping strategies. His makes me feel safe and warm, knowing that I'm not in any danger while my wings make Keigo feel reassured, relaxed and sleepy.

"For the next few weeks, your aunt and I will take it in turns to stay with you two, okay?" My mother asks, turning to look toward Keigo and I as Damien drives us home, "We'll be here to cook dinner and sort out food, clean the house while you two get used to being back to normal, okay?"

"Yeah, you two have been through a lot," Aunt Yuna coos gently, cupping my cheek and kissing my nose as Damien parks the car and switches the ignition off. The woman sliding out of the car with a hum, "Last thing you two need is stress,"

"Exactly, so we'll be here to help you," Mom hums, getting out of the car and opening up the car doors for us to get out. My mom holding my hands and helping me out the car before helping Keigo, "We don't want you two to feel uncomfortable or stressed with everything,"

"You don't have to do that, Mrs (L/n)," Keigo says softly, sending her a small smile as he gets out the car before squeaking out in shock as my mom wraps her arms around him and pulls him close. My boyfriend looks toward me with wide eyes as I send him a smile as he returns my mother's hug. The blonde choking on a sob as he snuggles into her hold, "This is nice,"

"Sweetie, you saved my baby girl... you have been through so much. You both have," My mom tells him, cupping his cheeks and smiling as he tries to hold back happy tears. The feeling of being accepted by my mother becoming more and more eminent as he sniffles, "You make my daughter happy, sweetie... and I can't even begin to fathom how seeing you like this kills her. Even I can't stand to see you in so much pain and I would never wish this on anyone... so you take our help okay? Let us be there for you,"

"God... Mrs. (L/n)... you sure know how to make a grown man cry," Keigo says with a short laugh before sniffling as my mom wiping how tears, "I... uh... I really appreciate it. Thanks Mrs —"

"Call me mom," My mother tells him making him stare at her with wide eyes. I cover my mouth as I feel myself getting choked up as he sends me the biggest grin his can fathom before burying his head into her shoulder and holding her close, "You've proved yourself more than enough times,"

"Don't make me cry, you'll ruin my makeup," Yuna whines, fanning her face as she walks over and joins the hug with Keigo and my mom. Keigo chuckling as Yuna kisses his cheek before they all turn toward me, "Are you just going to stand there like a lemon or join our cuddle?"

Giggling, I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before walking over and joining the group hug. A laugh leaving my lips as Keigo pulls me tightly to him and kisses my cheek. The pair of us staring into each other's eyes as we smile before pulling away as we hear a bark and little paws scrapping at the door. Immediately, the door swings open to reveal Amai, her boyfriend Arata and my baby Samoyed who immediately rushes toward Keigo and I. A squeal leaves my lips as I kneel down and catch Angel in my arms with a big smile.

As Angel wriggles and writhes, barking happily my way as she licks my face and nuzzles her nose against my neck, I look toward Keigo who chuckles and joins us on the floor. Angel showering the pair of us with kisses and happy barks with her tail wagging as quick as she can possibly make it go. Both Keigo and I kiss her forehead before heading into our home with Angel following close behind.

Once we're inside the living room, our eyes widen slightly as we see a welcome home banner strewn across the room. Rumi sits on one couch, waving toward the pair of us with Yui by her side stuffing her face with cookies. A faint laugh leaving my lips as I see Amai holding a cake. Both Keigo and I leaning into one another as Amai sets the cake down onto the coffee table.

"Welcome home," Rumi hums, running her fingers through her hair before leaning forward to get a drink. The woman looking toward me as I stare at her with wide eyes, "How was the h—"

"Where's your arm?!" I shriek, covering my stomach as Keigo and I gawk at the bunny - quirked female. The woman laughing at our reaction as she shows us her amputated arm, "Rumi! What the fuck happened?!"

"Hero stuff, honey, I'm fine," Rumi says grabbing her prosthetic arm from the side and attaching it making me stare at her, "It's cool isn't it?"

"Hell yeah!" Keigo hums; grinning as he walks toward her and admires her prosthetic limb while I stand there almost too shocked to function. A small sigh leaving my lips as I sit on the couch and pull my dog into my lap for cuddles, "That's so cool! I want o —"

"No," I immediately hum, cutting him off as I feed Angel some treats with a small smile. A giggle leaving my lips as Keigo whines, "You lose a limb, I shave your hair off,"

"Damn it,"...

"Why would you want to lose an arm?!"...

"Because it looks so cool!"...

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