Chapter 50

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Huffing gently to myself, I lean into the headboard of my head with my sketchbook in my lap. Eyes roaming over the sketch paper, making sure that everything is as detailed as it possibly can be. A small smile on my lips as I begin to grab my colouring pencils to begin colouring in my design. Brain whizzing through the detail and having a clear picture of the design in my mind. My hands skilfully beginning to shade in the little design I had made for when I get back to work and everything goes back to normality.

Beside me, sits Amai. My older sister keeping an eye on me as she sits in the uncomfortable plastic hospital chairs while she paints her nails a soft blue colour to go with her bikini she's going to be wearing on her vacation with her boyfriend. A playful snort leaving my lips when I notice her sticking her tongue out of her mouth as she paints her nails, trying to make sure that she doesn't get any nail polish on her skin. Her eyes flitting toward me every now and then to make sure that I'm not trying to do a runner or if I'm in pain.

With everything going on, the heroes and the doctors thought it would be wise to keep me in the hospital bed ridden for a couple days until I have my strength back. I'd have a doctor or a nurse visit me five times a day to check my nutrients and my levels to make sure they were all stable. Then my food would show up (it was usually a simple meal but it tastes good) and my mother would watch me like a hawk. She'd then make sure I'd eat it all before leaving me to it until my food showed up again.

Since I'm bedridden, there isn't too much that I can do. I'm not allowed out of the room, I'm not allowed out of bed unless I need the toilet and I can't do any cooking like I usually do when I'm bored. I'm not even allowed to bake! It's such a travesty! I like baking, I want to bake, is that so bad? Apparently it is! I can't do what I want to do... all I can do is make designs and shade them all in. That's all...

I guess it means that I'll have a buttload of designs to use when I get back. Which isn't so bad, I suppose... just means that I don't have to do a lot of designing for a couple weeks when I get back to work because I have a shit ton.

So far, I've made about four designs that would be perfect for Keigo. One of then resembled his wings that would look amazing across his nose and cheeks with little feathers down his neck and over his eyebrows. It would also look like a great tattoo across his back (if he didn't have the wings then they would be perfect). There's another design that resembles an Angel, a little halo above the left eyebrow with stars across his cheeks to resemble little freckles. That would look ethereal in the right lighting. Then I have one that reflects flowers. It has a sunflower over the left eye with sunflower petals across the ride of his face that seem to be floating through the air. That would be great with a pastel yellow shirt. Then my final one, the one I'm now shading right now.

It's something that I thought of creating the first time we started dating. I wanted something to reflect our relationship. I knew that it had to be perfect. Something that I believed would be something that we both could relate too. Now I had designed it, I knew exactly how it would turn out. It's nothing to do with love hearts or anything corny like a rose or a box of chocolates. It's reflected from my bracelet. Each charm that I have will be acting like a freckle over his cheeks and the chain will be weaving on his forehead with its clasp undone.

It's perfect...

As I finish shading in one of the flower charms, the door opens. Setting down the pink colouring pencil, I look up from my lap. A small hint of disbelief swirling in my stomach when I see my mother and still not a sign from Keigo. Sending me a reassuring smile, my mom slides beside me and wraps her arms around my shoulders to have a look at my designs, the woman smiling gently as she traces each charm with her finger while my aunt walks in with a huge bag of mini cardboard boxes that smell incredibly familiar.

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