Chapter 16

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Biting my tongue, I glare toward the smug winged male who sways to the beat with his hands resting on my hips. My own wings fluffing up in anger, as he rests his chin against my head. His chest flush with my back. I could feel the smirk radiating off his person as we sway to the beat (me a lot more forced than him). He wasn't even bothered that I didn't want to see him. The messy blonde pressing his nose to the crook of my neck, my eyes widening slightly as I notice him inhale my perfume before humming to himself. What the hell was his deal? Is he trying to mess with my head? What's going on?

Why is he even here?!

Of all the people I wanted to run into, Keigo was the last person that I wanted to see. I was so excited for this night out, to get out and get away from all the stress. To take a step back from my complicated life. Have fun. Have a couple of drinks. Maybe take a guy home if I'm lucky enough... but no... I can't. Why? Because Keigo fucking Takami had to show his damn face and ruin my evening. Why is he even here? Didn't he have patrol? Why would be in a bar when he should be on patrol?

Taking a deep breath, I turn around, looking toward him seeing his shit eating grin. He looks around the bar with a small hum before wrapping his hand around mine, our fingers interlocking before pulling me off the dance floor toward a secluded area. As soon as he stops, I yank my arm out of his grasp and glare toward him. Shaking my head in disbelief as I cross my arms over my chest. Who the hell does he think he is? He can't just take me away like this!

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, brushing down my dress as I look toward the Number Two Hero, the male rubbing the back of his neck, "Keigo!"

"I'm on patrol?" He replies, almost asking me for confirmation that he was in fact on patrol. But why would he patrol in a bar?! No one patrols in a bar! A small irritated groan leaves my lips as Keigo grins, "Don't look at me like that, baby bird,"

"Who patrols in a bar? Hm? Keigo, why are you really here?" I ask, resting my weight on my hip as he pouts my way playfully, the male rolling his eyes with a small scoff, "Keigo, stop acting like a five year old and answer me, why are you here?"

"What? Can't I have a nice night out, baby bird?" He teases with a small smirk, leaning against the wall with his elbow against the painted wall, his head on his palm as he leans toward me. My breath hitching gently as he does so making him chuckle, "Maybe I'll take a hot babe home,"

"You're unbelievable," I mutter shaking my head as I run my fingers through my hair, in absolute disbelief, a small sigh leaving my lips as I lean against the wall with a blunt chuckle, "Absolutely unbelievable..."

"What's the little face for, baby bird? Aren't you happy I'm out here protecting you from danger?" He asks with a small grin, arching a brow as I turn toward him unimpressed, his yellow eyes glinting with mischief and something else. I couldn't really pinpoint it though. A small sigh leaving my lips as he leans toward me, my hand tightening around my arm as I look up at him. His face merely inches away from mine, "What? Bird got your tongue?"

"K — Keigo..." I mutter softly, gulping nervously as he leans closer, our lips merely centimetres apart making my mouth dry up. A small inaudible whimper leaving my lips as our eyes meet, "W — what are you..."

Clearing my throat gently, Keigo and I meet eyes. Our eyes searching each other's as Keigo slowly slides his other hand to the wall beside my hip. Caging next against it. My heart beating in my rib cage as his tongue outlines his lips. My mouth going dry as his eyes flick to my lips before going back to my eyes. What was he doing? Was he... was he going to kiss me? Was this really going to happen?...

"Hey, babe, you ready to go?"

In an instant, Keigo pulls away clearing his throat. A genuine smile on his lips as he turns toward the girl waiting a couple of feet away with two drinks. She had frizzy auburn hair with bright hazel eyes. Hour glass figure. Of course. A tight dress that hugged everything in the right places. A girl that seemed to be any guys dreams. She sends Keigo this dreamy smile, beckoning him toward her, to which he grins and walks toward her. Brushing me off like I didn't even exist. Like he didn't just attempt to kiss me...

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