Chapter 21

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Humming softly, I press a soft kiss to Keigo's cheek as we leave the building, the messy blonde chuckling gently as he squeezes my hand and kisses my forehead with a wink. A chuckle leaving his lips as he clears his throat and spreads his wings, lifting himself off the pavement with a smile. His feet a couple inches off the ground as he looks toward me humming, poking my nose making me giggle as I spread my own wings and lift myself off the sidewalk. With a smirk, he moves his head to the side and soars off with me in tow.

The male chuckles as he soars through the sky and spins through a cloud, making me squeal as a couple of his feathers hit me in the face gently. A smirk stretches across his plump lips as he suddenly disappears out of nowhere making me halt in my spot, looking around confused as I try to find him. My eyes widening as I spin around with a small confused sound, tilting my head as I slowly edge a bit forward.

Before I could call his name, he appears behind me and wraps his arms around my waist making me squeal with laughter. Playfully, he presses a kiss to my temple as I snuggle into his chest gently, kissing his chin as we stay above the clouds for a while. His eyes glimmering with what I can only assume is complete happiness as he squeezes me close to him. Humming to himself before gently letting me go and holds my hands.

"I got a quick patrol, I'll pick you up around seven," Keigo explains with a smile, poking my nose as I wiggle it gently with a nod, "And I won't take you to a fried chicken place before you say anything, I'm not that bad of a date,"

"I promise you I didn't think that, although now I'm thinking about it," I reply with a small giggle, shaking my head as he pouts playfully, "I'll be waiting~"

"Ooh~ Can't wait," he purrs with a smirk, blowing me a kiss before turning around and flying back down to begin his patrol, "Wear something cute, baby bird!"

Releasing a weak chuckle, I shake my head smiling before flapping my wings to head home. Excited to get ready for my first ever date! My first date! It's so exciting! Gosh, is this how everyone feels like when they get going on a first date? Oh my god! What do I wear? What do I do? Shall I style my hair or keep it natural and down? Shall I wear makeup? Natural or cake it? Oh god... am I gonna cry? Am I gonna fall over and make a fool of myself?

Oh god... it's all coming to me now... shit...

Clearing my throat nervously, I open my front door with a shaky sigh and kick my shoes off, running my fingers through my hair. A smile on my lips as Rumi leans against the hallway door with a grin, her ears flopping over her head as she arches a brow expectantly.

"So? Did you go for it?" She asks with a small hum, ignoring the pillow Amai chucks at her as it smashes into the wall, "Amai, I will shove that pillow up your ass!"

"What's going on?" I ask looking toward my older sister who huffs through her nose and looks away from me, "Rumi... what's going on?"

"Your sisters got a stick up her ass, she's still against this whole dating Keigo thing," Rumi hums crossing her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes as Amai flips her off, "Anyway, ignore her, tell me what happened? Did you woman up and tell him how you feel?"

"Well... he asked me to dinner to which I accepted," I reply with a smile, giggling as Rumi's eyes light up like a Christmas tree and wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug with a loud squeal, her nose twitching happily, "He's picking me up at seven!"

"That's amazing! Oh my god!" She squeals, jumping up and down with a grin, holding me tightly in her grip with a smile, "Let's get you ready! Ooh! (Y/n)'s having her first date! Aww... my baby's growing up!"

"Rumi, I'm not a child," I reply giggling, shaking my head as she releases me and ruffles my hair, the girl instantly skipping up the stairs to rustle through my wardrobe. As soon as she's out of sight, I look to my sister who rolls her eyes, "You know... I'm not a little girl anymore, Amai,"

"I don't care about that... I just... I don't trust him," Amai says shaking her head as she takes a deep breath, the girl fiddling with her nails as she looks toward the photos on the mantle of the living room, "It doesn't make sense how he suddenly likes you after not seeing you for five/six years... I just don't want you to get hurt,"

"Amai, please, it's fine," I tell her gently, rubbing her arm as she sighs to herself and looks at her lap, "It's a date, it's not like we're officially going out... it's just two friends going out to dinner and seeing where it goes, he's promised not to force anything onto me,"

"I don't know if I can trust a single word that leaves his mouth," Amai admits as she looks toward me, "I just want you to be happy... I don't know if he's the one to make you happy..."

"If you want me to be happy, just support me in this," I tell her, watching as she runs her fingers through her hair to look at the picture of us during college, "I'm not a little girl, Keigo is really sweet and he's changed. Sometimes you have to give people second chances,"

"Fine, but if he fucks up, don't say I didn't tell you," Amai hums, still annoyed but lenient toward my decision making me squeal and head upstairs, "Just be careful!"

As I slide into my room, a giggle leaves my lips when I notice Rumi rummaging through my wardrobe and pulling out random articles of clothing. The girl was being very articulate about this, taking her time. She seems really adamant about this date going well, muttering to herself as she admires and critiques each clothing item. Her foot gently tapping against the floor in thought as she lays down three different outfits that could be a good idea to wear for the date.

Outfit number one was a classy and comfortable look that wasn't too flashy nor too dull. A skirt with satin black tights, black high heels and a fluffy jumper that was the perfect warmth. Joined by a cute little purse to hold my things. It wouldn't show too much skin nor would it be underwhelming. It would be warm in the cool breeze and it will be great for playing with. Sleeves were always a necessity when it came to my nerves, I like pulling my hands into them to try and calm myself down.

Outfit number two seemed more fancy. A flattering dress with a black belt around the waist. Wearing matching pearl earrings and necklace alongside with black heels again. Tights optional. However, the dress seems to have a plunging neckline, something that I haven't really become comfortable with yet.

Finally, last but not least, outfit number three seemed quite cute. A pinafore dress with a long sleeved top underneath. Tights. Black heels or black pumps. Something that seems ideal for this sort of thing. I didn't want to give away the farm on the first date after all, if there was going to be more I would want to keep Keigo guessing and bite his nails about wanting something that he can't have.

God! Why is outfit choosing so hard?!

Biting my lip, I watch as Rumi ushers me toward the outfits, expecting me to choose one making me whine. Why couldn't she choose? That would make things so much easier! God! Why are dates so hard to get ready for? Is this why girls take ages? Because they can't choose what to wear? Sighing gently, after much speculation, I choose the third outfit; the pinafore. It seemed a good choice. Hopefully, Keigo will think so too.

"Go get changed," Rumi orders, heading out the room with a giggle, shutting the door behind me to allow myself to change, "And be quick! He'll be here soon!"

Rolling my eyes; I quickly strip out of my work clothes and make habit of putting the new outfit on. My hands smoothing over the pinafore dress to make sure it fits perfectly before opening the door to show Rumi. Her eyes sparkling with happiness as I do a little twirl for her.

"God you're so beautiful," she coos, rubbing my back as she leads me down the stairs, "You're so lucky,"

"Thanks Rumi, I really —"

"Don't you dare fuck up, got it, shit stain?" I hear my sister growl, my eyes widening as I get to the bottom of the stairs to see Amai at the front door with Keigo on the other side holding a bunch of flowers, "If you do, so help me, I will kill you and make it look like an accident,"

"Amai!" I scorn glaring toward her as I push past her to greet Keigo, kissing his cheek as I take the bouquet and hand them to Rumi who grins toward the messy blonde. The number two hero rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "Ready to go?"

"Get some, Keigo," Rumi cheers, hollering in the background before squealing as Amai turns to her with a glare, "Have fun you two! Use protection!"

"Let's just go before I die of embarrassment,"...

"Aww, I think it's cute, baby bird, you ready?"...

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