Chapter 49

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Groaning ever so slightly, my eyes flutter open gently. The harsh intimate light of the room flashing into my eyes makes me wince as I slowly try to come to grips with my surroundings. My head swirling with a hundred and one questions as I slowly hoist myself up to my elbows. My hair draping lazily across my forehead as I push myself to sit up properly, my back against the metal frame of the headboard of the bed. Eyes immediately begin to wander around the room, picking up on every detail that I can.

The slightly ajar window to my left allowing a little fresh summer breeze to whisk its way through the room to give me some sort of coolness. The pale neutral colouring of the walls making my eyes slightly hurt. The thin sheets of my bed that might as well be nothing but dust because it doesn't even keep me warm.  The half drunken glass of water on my bedside table with nude lipstick smudges on the rim (telling me that someone has been here and waited for me to wake up). The light green couch to the side with three bags propped up against the backrest.

The three bags on the couch look vaguely familiar. One was a light leather brown purse that had a golden logo on the front (which must be my mother's considering how prepared for everything she is). Another was a soft baby pink that I know belongs to Amai (because she loves her pastel colours and her lighter colours). The third one, near the armrest, sits a snake skin purse. My eyes widening slightly when I realise who's purse that is...

My aunt's here...

Clearing my throat gently, I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and take a deep breath. A small sigh leaving my lips as I look to the side of my bed to see a number of buttons that I could press. Deciding it would be advisable to call for a nurse or a doctor, I press one of the buttons and hope for the best. My legs screaming out for me to stand up as I stare toward the window with a small sigh. A million and one thoughts leering through my mind.

The only thing that stuck out is Keigo. What is he doing? Where is he? Is he okay? Is he in the hospital too? Is he safe? Is he with my mom and my stepdad? Is he getting an earful from my aunt?... I just need to make sure he is safe. That's all that matters to me. That he's safe and sound and happy and healthy. That he isn't still head to head with an arsonist and possibly risking his life...

God I hope he's okay...

The pale door opening catches my attention, a small smile on my lips when one of the nurses walks in with a faint smile. The woman, clad in scrubs,  didn't seem much older than my mother. Her soft eyes slightly relax me as she walks closer to my person and checks over everything. The woman mumbling to herself every few seconds as she records something on a document before turning her full attention to me. A small smile on her lips as I look up at her and fiddle with the edge of my bedsheet.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, grabbing a hair tie from one of her pockets and tying my hair out of my face making me hum weakly as I stare at my lap, "You've been out for a couple hours,"

"I don't know..." I answer honestly. What do I even say to this woman? My boyfriend is the number two hero and he's fighting an arsonist who could easily kill him, so how could I be okay? Yet, I couldn't even bring myself to explain what's going on in my mind, "Is my mom here?"

"Yes, she was contacted as soon as you arrived at the hospital," she informs me making me nod with a deep breath. My eyes focusing on the door and trying to will my mother to burst in at any given moment now, "Your sister is with her as well as your aunt and stepfather. They're all very worried for you..."

"Can I see them?" I ask softly, watching as the nurse nods and turns to leave the room, "Thank you..."

With a nod, the nurse leaves the room and shuts the door behind her. My heart beating in my ears as I stare down at my lap. Isn't Keigo here? Why haven't I been told anything yet? He must be here surely? Why haven't I been told anything? I'm his girlfriend... surely I should be told if something happens to him... right? I mean... I'm his... I'm his girlfriend... I —

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