chapter 3

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Passing through a carpentry shop, I decided why not i find a job at hand,that can help me get situated for my new life. Upon entering the shop, I requested to speak with the manager, since they said there is no job opening for the time being. I offered my help, and asked that if he do use a hand, I would like to help. He said he would appreciate it, as he has forgotten to put up a job notice as he busy. I got the job luckily. It's has been two weeks since I started working at the shop, but the money is barely enough to make ends meet. So I opted for looking into another job,so as to make ends meet. I found a tailoring job,which I think will do for the mean time. Been good at it the shop started flowing with more customers. My head seamstress was happy with the progress the shop was making, so she decided to add a bit to my salary. An elderly woman approached me one day, asking if I do like to start my own clothing line. I told her that one can only dream of some things in life. If wishes we're horses, beggars would ride. She laughed it of saying I shouldn't make any hasty decisions, and that I should think about it and call her by the end of the week. Giving me her card she walked off to her car. I thought about it, and by the end of the week I decided to give her a call. we agreed to meet at a restaurant,which Ares and I used to go to, when we were together. Visiting the place got to me, as I remembered all the fake promises made by him. Determination to prove him wrong, and show him,that I am a woman way out of his league encouraged me. Being an obedient wife doesn't mean I do not have pride in me. It's only a mistake of loving someone, to the extent of not knowing the right or wrong. One of the waiters who seem to recognise me was surprised to see me, he told me that he heard my friend Ares was married to the girl we used to come to the restaurant with. I was dumbstruck that can be true, she is my best friend. We were practically sisters. To which he left leaving me in a state of shock
To even think she'd betray was an awkward idea I learnt she and Ares have a son and a daughter.


Another journey guys hope you licked it I would like to
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