chapter 8

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Mature content(smut)

Ares eyes were on me the whole time during the party, I taught why not make things spicy. I haven't gotten laid for four years now, its like being in celibacy. I decided to seduce Ares,and get my fill while I plan on making Denice feel the pain she made me go through. I sashayed my way through a narrow outlay, from the corner of my eyes I saw Ares following me. I entered a suit removing my dress I stood by the window naked. I waited till I heard the door closing. With out turning I knew it was him I felt his warmth through my skin. Then he spoke, you looked gorgeous tonight and sexy. His voice was hoarse at that moment i knew my plan was working. He nipped at my ear with his teeth, he brought his hands to trace my nipples. I turned my head to the the side and lean in to kiss him. He returned it with the same fervor. He squeezed my breast drawing out a breathy moan from me. I turned around with full force throwing him on the bed, I tugged at His dress as he helped me remove it I suck in his nipples, as he moaned. I moved down to remove his briefs as he helped me. I moved in back to kiss him. He was naked beneath me, as I grabbed his length and begin to stroke it. he kept moaning saying yes xi yes keep doing that.
I put my lips around the head of his length, and suck it while relishing the meaty length. he was huge as I remember and very long. After sucking him, he wowed
Saying he has never been sucked like that. I used his tie,to bind his hands to the bed. I straddled him and caught his length I rubbed it on my folds while he keeps moaning, I asked does that feel good he breathed yes. He begged that I insert him into my folds but I refused, I tortured him then I rises up and descend on his length. We all let out a breathy moan as I ride him. I sucked his neck and breast, leaving Hickey's for Denice to see. I rode my pleasure out of him. we were both exhausted, he kissed me and wore his clothes so as to not get anyone suspicious. He tried to kiss me once again, and I Dodged him saying just because we while away time doesn't, mean anything. After he left, I smiled evilly, at the thought of the reaction Denice will have, if she saw the claw marks and hickey on his body. including my pants in His pocket that I put when he wasn't watching *******

Another long chapter hope you like it, leave your comments and questions as I would answer them

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