chapter 23

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Entering the house, I called my PI asking him to come immediately. After he came I gave him all the hair samples, to be tested with Ares's own. He said it will take two weeks before the results will come out. I said he should get to me as soon as possible when he gets them.
I went to the office the next day, and saw Denice with her group of minions. She stared me down while her minions scatter across the hall. I called her to my office, warning her that I do not tolerate undedicated workers. I warned her, that i do not pay her for her to gossip around but to work. She huffed and went out of my office. The company is regaining it glory,Soon I will be handing it back to Ares. I just want to ask him a question, as to why he sent me to prison. I called him to my office, and told him to come join me for dinner after working hours as we needed to talk. We met at a cozy restaurant, in which we took our sits as he asked me what was important that we needed to talk. I told him our past. He kept quite, so I decided to ask him my first question. Why did you send me to prison?. he looked me in the eye and said he didn't send me to prison, but Theo whom was Denice's friend and mine brought him a recording. he heard my voice saying I will destroy both him and his partner, and That I couldn't wait to get rid of him and be with my lover. He couldn't believe it, until he was informed that the investor he had sent me to before, whom happened to be his partner was attacked, he decided to throw me out before I harmed him. After I left the house that day he decided to follow me and saw me enter that club. He said he got angry that it was true I did betray him, and came to meet my lover at the club. So when the police asked him about my whereabouts he told them. I was stunned, I couldn't believe that there were more people, responsible for our broken home. So when I called him and he heard it was me, he sent my calls to voicemail. He started cheating on me, when Denice told him I was cheating on him,She comforted him when I hurt him. I cried and told him why he didn't confront me, he said Denice said I would deny it. So he didn't asked me, but confirmed it himself. I told him I never knew any man before and after him. The only male friend I had was Theo, and he was involved in destroying me. He too started crying, he said when he found out the truth, he was late and already in too deep to get out. So he took solace in his kids. I looked at him, and told him that Ethan and Vanessa are not his. I showed him photos of Denice and her boyfriend, whom where the ones that planned all that happened. i told him the guy is the kids father, and showed him the DNA test I did for him and the kids. He sat broken, I asked him why didn't he believe in me. I asked him is it because he thought I was cheating, that he refused to have kids with me?. He didn't say anything so I got my answer and left hurt. I switched off my phone and anyway people would contact me, and stayed in the comfort of my room.
It has been three weeks, since I went to the office. I do the office work at home, and send it to the office via e-mail. I had been having morning sicknesses for the past two months, so I gave our family doctor a call. She examined me and runned some test. She later came and said congratulations miss, you are two months, two weeks pregnant. Unable to breath then and there I fainted.

Wow,a very long chapter, Xia is pregnant yuhooo.
What happens next, I will not give a sneak peak.

Much love,
** my readers, followers and all.

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