Chapter 20

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He looked at me,the same way a betrayed person looks at his traitor. I ignored him, and commenced the conference meeting. After we were done,people began to leave the board room. Ares drew me to a corner asking if this is a joke then I should stop. I asked him whether the meeting looks like a joke to him, and if he has nothing to say he is excused. I ordered a staff meeting immediately, I spotted Denice looking confused as to why am there. I announced to the staff, that am the new CEO of the company. I informed them about my expectations, and wish them a successful working term with me. With that, everyone dispersed. I saw Ares at a corner, he was standing at the window looking at the city. I felt a pang in my heart when seeing him in that condition, so I left to shake away the feeling. Instead of being happy I felt sad. I knew I still love Ares, but I never thought it was this bad. I went home later in the day. In the middle of the night when I was asleep when I got a phone call,  it was from Ares a guy found him lying in the middle of the road. I asked the guy his location, and came quickly as I could get. I thanked him and led Ares to my car. He refused, saying that Denice has always warned him about me. Even in the early years of our marriage, she told him I was staying with him for money. And I had a guy whom we I usually spend my time with, if he was out of town. So he decided that if I could cheat on him, then two can play at the game. I try to shush him, as what he was blabbering has me confused and shocked. I asked the driver to take me home while I brush his hair with my fingers.

Wheww  what did Denice do????
Another chapter for you my lovely readers enjoy.

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