Chapter 17

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Going to my room, I entered my bathroom. I splashed water on my face. looking at myself in the mirror, I looked at the girl staring at me. She is only a shell of herself, she can do so much more duelling in hatred and anger, turned her cold. But soon she shall rise.
So I decided that I need to focus on my revenge for now, and not boomerang between Ares and my plans.
Turning around, I saw Denice by the door. She was severely glaring at me. I asked what happened, she came forward and snatched my face saying Ares belongs to her,and only her. That I been a royalty now, shouldn't get me thinking that I will get Ares. She said, he only desire a woman of equal status as him. I decided then and their, that I need to stuck this bitches nose up her ass. She had forgotten her status. she thinks just because Ares fucked her, she is someone special, soon she will realize her sorry ass, that she shouldn't have started this game. I called my assistant to confirm if the deal is done, she said that am now officially the CEO of Sinclair Corp. I smiled thinking game on Denice, run cause am coming for you.

The end of Another chapter
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