chapter 26

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Opening my eyes, I looked around the unfamiliar surrounding. Trying to move, I looked down and saw I was being tied to a chair. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I began to become hysterical, when I heard footsteps. The door opened,and Denice came in. Of course I shouldn't be surprised,I should have known she wouldn't let everything go. I asked her what was the meaning of kidnapping me, she said am in no situation to ask questions. I Asked her why was she doing all this, why in the first place did she separate me and Ares?. She said since I was going to die, she would answer my question. She said many years ago, she attended the same high school as Ares. She had always loved him, but he didn't even pay attention to her moves or at least side glanced her. So when they graduated, she decided to follow him to the college he would be attending, but all he cared about where the bimbo's surrounding him. She decided that maybe being far away from him was the reason he didn't acknowledge her so she planned on working in his parents company. When he took over the company, she became his secretary. At that time she didn't know he was seeing anyone as he never gave any sign away. It was after he didn't come to work for a month, that she had he had gotten married. She was utterly heartbroken and promised to make him hers. She went to a strip club one day, trying to drink her pain away. That was where she met her kids father. They started having sex and she got pregnant, so one day she decided to lure Ares to her bed. She made him drunk, and persuaded him to sleep with her. Even in his inebriated state he remained loyal to me, he said he wouldn't cheat on his love. So when he fell asleep, she removed his clothes and hers, so that it would look like they had sex. So when he woke up she started apologizing, saying she didn't know how it happened. For that entire month he avoided her in office, so she came up with the plan to befriend me. at that time Ares and I were having quarrels, as his behavior had changed drastically. She got my voice recorded, and sent it be manipulated,That was how Ares thought I was cheating on him. She pretended to support him, so that started sleeping together. She told him she was pregnant, so when Theo came with another voice recording of mine, he threw me out immediately. After I went to prison, she and Ares got married since he divorced me before I was imprisoned. She said her dream of being in his arms came true. She has always thought how it would feel to be in His arms, how it would feel for him to be inside her, their skin molding as one. But I had to come back and ruined all her
Plans. So she is going to kill me for ruining her bliss. As she was about to move a phone started ringing, I realized it was coming from my pocket. She removed it, and answered the call on seeing it was from Ares. He kept shouting at her, to stop what ever plan she has in mind. She said her only plan is to send me to hell. She kept circling and hitting me, I didn't say a word as she was giving me predatory looks. As she was about to pull the trigger on my head, the door opened and sent her flying to the ground. The cops were surrounding the building, they asked her to freeze but she refused instead she shot me. I fell to the ground, as I heard several gun shots in air. Ares was holding me as he kept saying the ambulance is on it's way. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, when I heard the faint sound of sirens. My body became tired of fighting, as I embraced darkness.

A long chapter, you views and opinions are very important to me. I would like your comments also but good ones.  Insult wouldn't be tolerated.

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