chapter 21

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On reaching home I called the Butler Charles, to help me carry Ares to my room.
I removed his shoes and stockings, I brought a lukewarm water to clean his face. The words he said while drunk, kept ringing in my head. What if he was a pawn of a game am yet to uncover. Then was are all victims of circumstances.
I kissed his forehead, and heard him saying my name asking if I was there. I smiled and cooed him to sleep. I went to the balcony, and looked at the silent city at night. I began thinking if Denice had a hand in separating us, that means it was all her plan from the beginning. Then I will punish her severely, and get my man back. I went back into my room and lay next to him, while His warmth lulled me  to sleep. I woke up due to the ray of sun coming into my room, I looked at the place Ares was sleeping and found it empty. I heard the shower from bathroom, and knew he was taking his bath. I decided to join him, so I stripped off my dress and entered the shower. He went rigid, upon sensing me. We looked into each others eyes through the mirror, I moved in and hugged him to myself. He tried to withdrew from my embrace but I tightened my hold. What happened yesterday, had opened my eyes to many secret I never knew. I kissed his back up to  his neck but he didn't move.
I moved to look at him, holding his face in my hands. I lowered his head to mine and captured his lips in a silent kiss. Pouring my emotions into it, I didn't know how long it took until I tasted salty substance on my lips. I looked up to him, and saw he was crying. My heart clenched as he never cried. I hugged him and place my head on his forehead. I whispered to him that I love him, and he will be the only man I would ever love. He moved away from me and asked why, I told him soon he would know.

Another chapter has come to an end. But this chapter was really emotional. " blowing my nose" I hope you enjoy it.

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