chapter 25

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The next day Ares called me, he said I needed to be present, for him to question Denice.
I told him I would be on my way to his house, so he should call all those who need to be present. Arriving at his condo, I entered seeing as everyone was sitting, so I settled myself on one of the love seat. Denice stood up hysterical, asking what business do I  have with the so called important talk he has. He asked her to sit down first, she agreed although not happy with the situation. Ares exposed all their plans to them, when he finished Denice was pale white while Theo looked remorseful. Theo accepted what he did, and said he wanted to show Denice how much he loved her. In order to prove to her that her happiness mattered him, he did whatever she said without question. That was the length he could go for her, but she played him. She never loved him, she only used him as her puppet. So he apologized to me, saying people like him are not supposed to be befriended, let alone like.
Denice started crying, begging Ares to forgive her. She told him to remember all the times she had been there for him, when I wasn't. He answered her by saying, she Was there only so that her dirty work would be accomplished. He threw the already signed divorce paper to her, and told her to sign them as quick as tomorrow. He said she wouldn't get anything from him from the divorce, as she would be charged with infidelity. He told her that if she refused to sign, they would meet in court. And he already knows the kids are not his, but he would get their custody as his children. They shouldn't live with a psycho like her, if they do they would be ruined. Denice begged him to stay back, but he left. I immediately rushed out the door to follow him, so he wouldn't make any rash decisions due to anger. I gave him my hotel key, so he can go clear his mind. I watched him leave in his car. as I was about to turn, something huge hit my head I couldn't understand what was happening, so I succumb to the darkness.

WHY is coming to an end. this is another short update for my followers, so enjoy. Who do you think hit her? Let's find out in the next chapter.

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