chapter 12

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   Oh yes!! Give it to me baby!!! Harder, faster.

I bobbed my head up and down his length, slurping up the precum that is falling from the  tip of his length. Letting go of his length, which came out with a popping sound, i straddled him. I asked if he was clean, since from the series of him cheating on Denice, I know am not the first person he slept with neither the last. He said he got tested two weeks ago. without him finishing, I picked an ice block and insert it in my clit. Playing with my lips and letting it absorb the cold, l removed it and sat on his length. He shuddered continuously, while he slide up and down his length. I went slowly and sensually, cycling my hips,while he kept speaking profanities. I quietened him by capturing his mouth with my mine. I squeezed my walls around him, and he howled. I knew he was close, so I started grinding on him while squeezing him, riding our fall. I fell onto him chest heaving up and down. He was about to stand up, and I threw him back. I told him not so fast, he should get ready for round 2, in the bathroom. Today I am going to fuck him, like there is no tomorrow. He smiled as I pulled him into the bathroom. I entered the tub beckoning him to join me, we washed each other as I asked him to go on all four's. I brought out my vibrator, and my massive cock . rubbing lube on the cock, I rubbed my cum in his ass. Penetrating him with the big cock, I started fucking his ass with it. He started squirming, and
I took the vibrator and put it  on his cock. I pressed the button to the highest number. He came several times. I removed the cock from his ass, causing him to wince. After that, I washed his body. Coming out of the bathroom, we dried our bodies. I pull him to the bed, laying down. He pulled me into his arms and I resisted. He changed our position, with him on top of me. He looked into my eyes and said, Today, am going to make love to you all night long. I tried not to show any emotion, as in all the years we've been married, he never made love to me. He would fuck me, and then leave me needy of affection. And true to his promise, he made love to me all night long. Worshipping my body and soul.

Hmmmm, another long and emotional chapter hope you all liked it.

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