chapter 22

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After getting dressed, I told him to come down and eat breakfast. We greeted grandma and mom, as we sat down. They both looked questioningly at me, I introduced Ares to mom and grandma. Mom says she knows him as she usually see him on magazines or newspaper. She said she knows he is married to which Ares's body tensed. She asked what he was doing here, I decided to cut her questions short, as I told them he is my ex husband. The table was pin dropped silence, as they looked between me and him. I told them nothing was wrong, as we are sorting things out. I kissed him on the lips and dragged him towards the door, leaving mom and grandma reeling in shock of what happened. We arrived at the office together, as Denice approached him. he avoided her and went into his office, leaving her staring at his back. I went into my office and started some paperwork. I decided that I need a private investigator, to find out more about Denice. I told him I need good news by the end of the week. So work was normal through out the week. The pi called me saying he has some information, we met at a cafe near the mansion. He gave me photos of Denice and a Guy I have never seen before. He looks like a hitman, there were also pictures of them in compromising position. And another of which she was pregnant, I was shocked cause at that Time  I was having crisis with Ares. So I didn't pay attention to her to notice she was pregnant. Then I began thinking maybe her so called son is not even Ares's. I bid the PI good bye and went home. The next day at work I brought lunch for Ares, as I knew he hasn't been going for break. He declined saying he wasn't Hungry, I said then I would force feed him if he refused. I asked him if I can meet his kids, he looked at me for a long time. I said only for him, and not for his bitch. We scheduled a picnic together, as I made all the maids prepare different kind of delicacies. Ares later arrived with his son and daughter whom, where named Vanessa and Ethan. I greeted them, and took them to the garden. Vanessa was mesmerized by the garden, while Ethan was playing big boy. I served them different kinds of food, and asked them to dig in. I sat next to Ares, as we watched the kids play. Ares said it was time to leave, so Vanessa hugged me asking if they could come back, I used that opportunity and got a piece of her hair. I hugged Ethan also and remove a piece from him also. Hiding both the pieces in my pocket,I came forward and kissed Ares. saying good bye to them, I went into the mansion and left the maids to clean up the mess.

Another chapter has come to an end. Hope all of you had enjoyed it love
**** my readers

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