Chapter 9

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Weeks have passed, after the launching party. Grandmother is still busy looking for mom. I on the other part, was thinking of how to make my revenge more sensational. Coming to the kitchen, i checked out any food remainings,which I might eat. since I didn't attend breakfast, I was busy checking out all the most important share holders, of SINCLAIR CORP. since its Ares's company, I might inject a little bit of xia vaccine. laughing, I started thinking of how to put my plan into action. I recalled all the time Ares lied to me, saying he went on a business trip. But  in actual sense, he was spending time with Denice, Enjoying orgasmic bliss. while i was at home, praying for his success. Begging the lord,to make my husband succeed in his endeavors. I don't know, whether my prayer for his success, also gave him intensive orgasms on his vacation. May be that was why, he gets irritated with me, when he comes home.  I didn't realize I was shedding tears,until a few dropped on my hand. I had promised, to never shed tears because of him, but still the Bastard got some tears from me. even though I still get affected by him, I should think with my brain, and not with my heart. I started looking through the web, on information about the company. In hopes of finding a loop hole, that I can use against him. And damn was I right, his company's profit, has dropped with fifty percent this year. Well I thought, time for some actions. I decided that I will be hiring another assistant, whom will represent me in Ares company. So that I will remain anonymous to the company and Ares, until my plan is in full bloom. I will be buying shares worth millions with the money father gave me.  So in a way, I will take over the company from him, without him even knowing it. Doing so will destroy him the most, since his company is his life. He love's it more than anything, to the extent, he can do anything for it. What's the best way for revenge on a person, taking what the person love's most hahahahaha!!!!!!..******

Finally, another long chapter. I hope you all liked it opinions, and comments of a reader, really matters to an author.

Love @amreetakaigama

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