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(Apocalypse, Cigarettes After Sex) [ ]

"Got the music in you baby, tell me why....Got the music in you baby, tell me why..." His voice sent shiver down my spine. I sat outside where he can't see me but I could still hear him.

"You've been locked in there forever, And they just can't say goodbye." the guitar strum compliments his voice. The atmosphere is calm, a bit gloomy but it's comfortable.

"Your lips, my lips, apocalypse....... Your lips, my lips, apocalypse." His voice is giving me butterflies. I closed my eyes trying to feel his voice, taking it in like a fuel to my heart and makes it beat faster and faster. I slap my face to wake myself up but I did it too loud and he stopped singing.

Holy cow!

I stood up quickly but tripped, I was ready to hit the ground when someone hold my waist. I slowly open my eyes and I saw Suna.

"U-uh...t-thanks..." my face is red as tomato. I fix my clothes and went inside to get my bag. "U-uh, Thanks again..." I said while he was leaning on the door with his arms crossed. I was ready to run but he hold my arms to stop me. Is he going to kill me? No, he wouldn't right? "Y-yeah?"

"You didn't heard anything..." I finally had the guts to look at his face. I blushed harder because he is also blushing a little. He is covering it with his hand though. What's there to be embarrassed? He literally sounded so beautiful.

"I did not! heard anything, hehehe." we stood there for a minute. "A-ano....I should probably go.. I still have class..."

He let go of my arms, I smiled awkwardly and walked a little faster than usual. My arm feel empty without his hand.

Wait, what? No. NO. What am I saying?

Luckily my teacher is later than me so I was not scolded.

After school I went to the gym like what Atsumu said. I will check out what a manager do and how's the volleyball team is doing.

I greeted everyone that I haven't met. The coach is also kind but strict when the game started. Some girls are also watching and already cheering while they are playing. Atsumu has this weird ritual when he is serving but he's amazing, Kita is calm and collected on or off the court, Aran is also exeptional. What caught my attention is Suna's weird spike. He uses all of his body! I mean the half of his body? I don't get it!

"So y/n, what do you think?" Hori-senpai asked.

"I think it's fun..." I said my thoughts to Hori, she complimented me because she thought I have a good eye for noticing things.

After the game they rested a bit and we cleaned the court before going back to the clubroom.

I was shocked when everyone stripped. They laughed at me. I haven't seen a real life naked body of a guy!

"Bye! Good work everyone!"

Atsumu walked to me. "Where do you live? I said we'll send you home."

"Oh, it's fine. My house is near."

"I didn't ask if it's near, I said where?" my mouth formed 'O'. He looks like a jerk but Atsumu is a gentleman.

"It's two blocks away from the convenience store."

"Okay! Suna, take y/n with you. We live on different ways, you go to the right we go the left." Atsumu left the responsibility to someone else. At least he thought of me so I didn't complain.

I looked at Suna who's not listening. "It's fine, I could walk alone."

That's what I said but Suna and I literally live next to each other. He walked me in front of my apartment without saying a single word and I saw him enter the house next to the house beside mine. I'm quite having a hard time talking to him. First, I'm not really a talkative person. Second, he's the same.

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