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"You sure?" Suna put the extra strands away from my hair and tuck it behind my ears.

I bit my lower lip. "Yeah..."



"Then tell me you want it."


"Tell me...that YOU want it."

Embarrassed but I said it. "I want it...."

"What do you want?" I know he is teasing me. He started kissing my neck.

"I.... I want y-you..."

I can see him holding his laugh. "You want me? What do you want from me?" 

"Ahh..." I little moan escaped my mouth when he touched my breast, he pinched my nip*les! "I-i...I want to h-have s...s-sex with you.."

I can't take the embarrassment anymore. I aggressively kissed him as if I really know how to. Both of my hand is placed on his sharp jaw line. I played with it with my finger tips. Suna is taken a back with my bold action. I can sense his smirk before kissing me back. 

Suna's hand travelled under my shirt. He gently rub my stomach and to the back and to my stomach again. He slowly unclasp my bra and remove it while I'm still wearing my shirt.

He swirl his finger tips on my stomach before it makes it way to my breast. 

"Mmm." He fondle my right boob while the other hand is busy removing my bottom. "Ah!"

I felt shiver down my spine when he started playing with my breast's tip. "Sensitive aren't we? hmm?"

I feel like my body's heating up because of his voice. HOT AS HELL!

He kept on massaging my breast and I didn't notice I'm only wearing a shirt and he is only wearing his bottom, which is a boxer. My eyes travelled his body. His muscles is placed on the right place, muscles that is well suited for a teenager like him.

I got insecure with my body and started hugging myself. He stopped because he can't touch me if I'm like this.

"Why?....What's the matter?" he stick our forehead together. 

I looked at the other way but he hold my jaw using his one hand and forcefully face him. "M-my body.... It's... u-ugly... N-not pretty..."

He chuckled and covered his mouth. Is he making fun of me? I knew it... He doesn't want me at all.

"W-we can sto-"

"I can't believe you're worrying about that...." he sigh and gave me a peck. "You know what you're the most beautiful person I've ever met.... Nobody's perfect... But you are in my eyes....You're the most precious thing in the world. Beautiful and fragile. You must be protected..."

My heart melted because of his words. I hug him tightly. "I love you, Rin.."

My boyfriend smiled. "I like it when you call me that. I love you the most, baby...."

He completely undressed me. He is still wearing his boxer but I can see his erection. "You like the view?"

"Do you like yours?" I teased back. I am completely naked in front of the man I love.

"I fucking do." I chuckled with his answer. His kisses when down to my neck and to my boobs. He suck one of my chest while his hand is doing the other one and alternately.

"Hmm...." The kiss when down and down till it reach my pussy. 

"Ahh!" I almost jump when he kiss me down there. "T-that's dirty!"

"It's not.." Suna caressed my private lips using two of his fingers. I felt butterflies in my stomach. 

Suna keep on rubbing them while I keep reacting to each and every touch he does. I know he is being entertained with my expression. He went down and licked my pussy. 

"Oh!" I moaned when his tongue went inside me. "W-what..Hnghh..Wait!" 

While he was licking me he is also playing with my clitor*s. He keep on rubbing them around and my hips is unconsciously moving up. I'm having enough pleasure with just his mouth!

"Baby, this will hurt a bit okay?"' I nodded. "I'll try my best not to hurt you.."

He entered one finger in me. "W-wait....It feels weird...."

"It's fine... your doing good. It's sliding in so easily because you're so wet." I squeeze him a little.

He is swirling his finger in me, it's to loosen me I guess. I bit my lower lip when he entered two. His fingers started thrusting. After I while he entered another.

A bit of time passed by until he finally remove his boxer. I gasp when I saw how big he is. "T-that won't fit!"

I screamed that and he laughed so hard. "Stop laughing! Too big! It will split me to half!"

"Stop being ridiculous, it'll fit. You'll be fine." He kissed my forehead.

He start entering me and I'm whimpering from pain. "It hurts...."

Rin kissed my lips to distract me, and it did! But only halfway through. I can feel my skin ripping! I hugged him tightly and I bit his shoulder to suppress my scream. What if the neighbor think I'm being murdered!


"I'm all in.." I took a deep breath when Rin said that. 

"I feel full..." I saw a bump in my lower abdomen, I touch it. "It's weird..."

"You look like a lost puppy... Can I move now?"

"I-i think so..?" my boyfriend smiled.

He moved a little and I grab him. It still hurt a little. I nodded as a sign that he can move now. He started in a slow pace till he move fast and fast and fast.

"Oh! hmm....Ahh! Ah! Ah!" I tried to gain support by hugging him but I ended up scratching his back. Not once but a lot.


"Rin!! Ahhh...." I tried to hold back my moans. I bit his shoulder.

"Don't hold back, princess." He look at my face and whispered to my ear. "Moan for me... Say my name..."

My eyes widen when he went deep inside me. "OH! oh my gosh!....Hmm... Rin!"


"Rin, faster!"

He followed my request and went faster and deeper.

"I think I'm C-cumming.. Oh! Ahh!"

"M-me too..." We came at the same time. I felt a warm substance in me. "Fuck."

"Holy  go-"

"I'm sorry, I f-forgot!"

"Oh my god! NO WAY"

"S-shit.." Rin pulled out and started cleaning me. I tried to take out the semen inside me but we all know it's impossible to take it all out.

"What are we gonna do?! Ah! slowly!"

"I'll buy some pills, wait here." Rin wore his clothes and quickly went outside to buy something in the drug store.

W-what if I get preg- no! Cannot be! There's still a possibility even if we only did it once. Oh my lord! please... Not yet! I will literally be disowned!  We can't raise a child alone! We don't have money for that.

I can't believe we forgot to use a freakin' condom.


Okay kids don't do that at home lol.


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