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"Y/n... your dad and I have decided to let you choose on what high school you will attend..." my mom said while we were eating dinner.

'You mean stepdad..' I said in my mind.

"Really?...But I'm already a junior." I'm happy of course. I can have at least a little bit of freedom, but isn't it troublesome to transfer? I only have a year and a half left.

"It's fine. So you could get to see new environment.." my stepdad commented as if he could decide about my life.


"What do you mean 'oh'?" said by my mother, a bit irritated.

"Where would I transfer?" I said trying not to piss her off. It'll be troublesome.

"You choose..."

"Inarizaki, I guess... I heard they have a good curriculum."

"Isn't that far?"


"Okay, I'll get you an apartment." she smiled and continue to eat.

I was confused. Why is she letting me go? Is she kicking me out? Whatever. Not that it really matter.

I am a quite child. I was raised to be. My biological parents never got married, I was an accident. My mom was still in college when she had me, my dad left her. I'm thankful to her for raising me alone despite of the situation. I was in middle school when she met my stepdad. She still let me see my dad occasionally, though.

A week passed and the apartment was ready, as well as my school papers. All I need is to move out. All of my things are on the way, I just need to fix it when I get there.

"Bye, baby.... Take care." my mom hugged me and kissed my forehead.

I gave her a smile. " too."

My mom and stepdad saw me off. I have a driver with me since I'm a minor, I am not yet allowed to drive a car.

I arrived at my place and fix everything. The next morning is my first day at my new school, I'm scared of not making friends, like how I was in my previous school. I have more freedom now, I can't let it go to waste.

"Good morning class, as I said yesterday....We will have a new student. Ms. y/n, please introduce yourself."

I nervously went inside. "Hello! I'm L/n Y/n, please take care of me..."

"Hi, Y/n!"

"Y/n sit beside me!"

"She's pretty..."

"I think she's rich."

"She kinda look gloomy..."

I tried to ignore their side comments but I can't help but to hear some. I'm not sure if they are compliments or not.

"Class, quite. Ms. y/n, you may take your seat. The one at the fourth row." I obediently follow our sensei's instruction. I smiled at they boy seating next to me. He has blonde hair and funny looking face.

"Hi y/n. I'm Atsumu, nice to meet ya." he raise his brows and his lips is smirking.

"Nice to meet you too..."

"So...Why did ya transfer?" He leaned on my desk resting both of his elbows on my desk.

"Because...." I stopped thinking why did I transfer, I don't even know. "My mom said so." I bowed a little, embarrassed of the reason.

"Eh?! Ya know what?" My brows met when he got a serious face. "Yer pretty..."

"Pfft... T-thanks..."

"Mr. Atsumu! Stop messing around and listen to me." Sensei suddenly shouted. The class laughed.

After a few hours it's finally lunch break. Atsumu invited me to join him and his friends. Of course, I accepted it. He's my first friend, I hope he think of me as a friend though. What's the requirement of being friends anyway? What makes you a 'friend' of someone?

"Everyone! Everyone! I have here y/n, she will be joining us starting today." Atsumu introduced me with his loud voice. "Come here! sit beside Hori-san."

I sat beside the cute girl. She look lively... sweet? "Hi..."

"Hello! I'm Hori, I'm their manager..."

"Manager?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, this is the volleyball team."

"Oh, I didn't know.....Atsumu didn't tell me-" I was cut off by Atsumu.

"This is our captain, Kita. My ass looking brother, Osamu." my mouth opened when I saw his twin. They really look the same..... Their hair color is the only difference.

"We literally look the same, shut yer crap." everyone laugh when Osamu imitated his twin's way of speaking. The brothers bickered. After that, everyone introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you...." I said and bowed a little.

"Oh! Suna, yer late." A tall man with dark brown hair and mesmerizing eyes walk to our table. His neck tie is in a mess.

"Someone fought in the washroom." his voice is calm and smooth. He sat beside Atsumu who's in front of me.

"Really?! lemme see!" Atsumu took the phone. "Oh, by the way  meet our new friend y/n."

"Nice to meet you.." I bowed a little.

"Yeah, I'm Suna." I smiled. He did not. What is wrong with him? I frowned a bit and shifted my attention to Hori.

"What do you do as a manager?"

"I analyze their......" she told me everything about the volleyball team. Hori is comfortable to talk with, she is nice and fun. She and Kita is actually dating. I was shocked, they seem to be the type who study first and never once thought of having a relationship. Well, they are the type who prioritize studies said Ren.

"Y/n, join us later in our practice!"

"I can? what time is that?" I'm overwhelmed with the offer. I'm starting to feel like this is the start of my new experience. I will experience 'real' high school.

"After school, we could send you home."

"Okay... but what would I even do there, I wouldn't be any help." I'm anxious. What if they don't like me after some time?

"Can ya be our manager then?" Atsumu said with a sparkling eyes.

"What are you saying?"

"Well.... Hori-chan will leave next year and we will need another manager, I think it suits ya." he explained.


"Yeah! you can do it." he gave me a thumbs up.

"I'll think about it..."

"Sure, let's go." I smiled because I appreciate everything he has done for me. I went in my classroom to get my bag when I heard some one singing.

I look inside silently, trying not to get caught. My eyes widen when I saw Suna!



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