Chapter 25

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The next morning, you woke up without Suna by your side. You look around the room, you did not notice it last night but the room was colored black, grey and white. The interior is pretty. Simple, masculine and dark. But it was lightened up by the open window.

You covered yourself with the blanket because you're to lazy to dress. As soon as you open the door, you smelled something good. You saw Suna cooking something in the kitchen. 

You walk behind him and took a look to see what is he cooking. "Wow, what's that?"

"Oh? Good morning..." He faced you and kissed your cheek. 

"Morning, what's that?"

"Ham and swiss quiche... It's finish, just putting it on a plate."

You sat on the counter as Suna ready your food. You took a spoon full and taste it. Suna waited for your reaction. "It's good!"

"Thanks." he sat in front of you and watch you.

"You're not eating?"

"Feed me." you feed him. He look like a dog. 

There's only one slice left. "Rin, Do you want more?"

"I want you..." he kisses you.

"I meant the food." you said when he stop.

"Can I have you?"

You let out a sigh before crawling on the counter and kissed Suna. When he touched your pssy, you felt some liquid leaking out. 

You feel like you forgot something. "Wait... What-"

"Fuck." you looked at Suna and the two of you looked at each other's stupidity.

"Oh my goodness." You slap your forehead.

"We did it again, what the fuck."


"Though I don't mind.." you cheerlessly smiled at him.

The two of you took a bath and decided to go to the hospital for check up. You told Suna that there's a really small possibility that you'll get pregnant again because of the accident but still, he want to do a some check up.

"With what happened before... Your previous doctor said you won't get pregnant again, but that wasn't the case. Well, your Uterus has weaken due to shock. Your babies was force to be born earlier than it was supposed to be that caused some malfunction in your reproductive system." The doctor explained. 

"Then, can we have a child again?" Suna asked.

"You can... But, There will be a huge risk for the mother and the child. It will be a very sensitive pregnancy if ever. I personally suggest you should not, it'll be hard for the both of you. I can get to the point that you have to choose between the mother and child. I'm sorry to say this but you might loose both of them too.." 

The room went silent. "... Is she pregnant?"

"It's only been hours since you intercourse, it might take days or weeks before we find out. Please check for symptoms, that'll help. I suppose you know that already?"

"Yes, thank you very much." When you got back in the car Suna hugged you tightly. He stayed like that for a while before driving back to your house.

"Is Riri already home?"

"Yeah..." you check the time and it's already two in the afternoon. It's the first time you spend more than a day without your son.

"Baby? We're home..." Riri ran to the door and jumped to you for a hug. 

"Mom! Dad!"

"I missed you so much!" you rub his face and kissed him all over.

Riri giggled. "Yeah, I missed you too. You too, dad!"

"Really?" Suna squished you and your son.

"Should I get married, Samu?" you heard Tsumu. He was leaning on the wall watching.

Osamu smiled at his Twin. "Do you think someone would marry you?"

"You bastard..."

You kick his leg. "Language please. If Riri learned some bullshi- I mean nonsense from the two of you be ready for the consequences."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Did you ate properly?" you asked Riri. Everyone went to the living room.

"Yes, uncle Samu cooked! It's delicious. Uncle Tsumu made a monster food! It's horrible."

"A what?" 

"A monster food?" Riri tilt his head.

You looked at Atsumu for some explanation. "I just burned some pancakes, Okay?"

"You know he's stupid. Don't worry, It's his apartment." Osamu and Atsumu teased each other like always.

When the Miya brothers left, the house is more peaceful. The father and son played some video games while you cook snacks for them. 

"Dad! the car! turn left! Ahhh! there's an enemy." Riri scream.

"Wait, you go in the bush. I'll kill them." Suna's tone is calm but his voice is loud too.

"Yes! we win!"

"Alright! Come and eat first."

"Yehey! Thank you, momma."

"Thank you, momma." Suna imitated Riri. He just said it in your ear while holding your waist.

"W-welcome..." you're embarrassed for remembering what happened last night.

'Something came out of your...'

You shook your head to snap out of it and watch them as they eat. It's fun watching the two most precious people in your life enjoy something you made for them. You wish for this moment to last as much as it could. You never thought a life like this back when you we're sixteen.

"Mom? why aren't you eating?"


"Does the baby don't want it?"

"What?" you and Suna said.

"What baby?"

"The baby! Inside your stomach?" 

You and Suna looked at each other. "The twins..."

"Who told you that? What did they told you?"

"Hmm... Uncle Tsumu said Mom and Dad left to make me a sibling. Uncle Samu explained that baby grows in momma's stomach." Riri innocently smiled and excitedly ran to you and rub your stomach. "Hi, I'm Rikki. Call me brother!"

You did not know what to say, you looked at Suna who's also still. He hold your hand and kissed it before he lean your head on his shoulder. 

"Dad, Mom... Do you love each other now?"

"We always did, baby.." Suna answered.

"Ehh? hehehe. Good job, Dad! I'll give you ice cream later!"

Riri snuggled to his parents and you cuddled the entire afternoon and on the bed later that night.



Last Chapter Next Update! I can't believe it (T~T)

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