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[Two years later]

"Mom! I'll go to Auntie Hori's house!" Riri said while walking out the door. He's big now, he go out by himself to play. Hori-san and Kita-san's house is just next door so he can go out alone. Riri plays with Kita's daughter and nephew.

You left the stove and wait for the soup to boil. You went upstairs to your room and found Suna on the bed watching Tana sleep.

You got pregnant again, she's already one year old. The two of you risked because you don't have the courage to abort your child when she's already there. Especially that you've lost Rina. You don't want to loose another precious life again.

Of course it was hard. You get so much stomach ache that you have to go to the hospital every other day. Your parents hired a private doctor mid-way for more safety. They were worried. You are too because anytime the child can let go.

"She will melt if you keep doing that." You walk to the bed at sat beside the two.

Suna rested his head on your lap. "She's so beautiful... and so small.."

"I know." you played with Suna's hair. "She kinda look like Rina..."

"Really? I don't see it."

"She is... as far as I could remember."

Suna sat and kissed you. At this moment you realized that Suna is clingy. He is a man of a few words that's why people think he hate everyone, he's just straight forward. He look cold but he is warm and likes to stick to you. Of course you don't hate it would you marry him if you do?

The door bell rang. You quickly got up and went down stairs. It's Kaori.

"Hi, Senpai! Where's the kids?" Kaori on her cute dress handed you a box of cake.

You carefully took it and went to the kitchen. "Tana's asleep, Riri is playing at Hori's house."

"Eh? Am I early?"

"No, it's fine. I'm about to call them. The food's ready." you turned off the stove.

"I'll call Riri and Hori-san." Kaori went out the house to call them. You prepared the food and put it on the table. You set the table before going upstairs to get Tana and Suna.

When you open the door Suna is carrying a crying Tana. "Did she wake up?"

"Yeah... I think I moved too much." Suna said a little panicked. You took Tana from Suna. He likes taking care of Tana but he gets a little too excited sometimes.

"Are you hungry?" you asked the baby as if she'll answer. You tap her chin and she opened her mouth. "You are? come here..."

You sat on the bed and breast feed her. Suna is beside you confused. "How'd you know she's hungry?"

"Secret." you chuckled.

"Eh?" he watched you feed her. The room's silence broke when someone knocked on the door. "Come in."

"Mom, Dad! Everyone's here." It's Riri.

"Shhh... " Suna pulled Riri and put him on his lap. "Let's wait for Tana."

Riri poke Tana's check and giggled silently. "Dad, I'm heavy.."

"No you're not." Suna tickled Riri and they made loud noises that woke up Tana. "Shit."

"Dad, It's your fault."

You fix your clothes because the baby stopped eating. Tana is already smiling and giggling. Suna tried to tickle her and she keep on laughing. "Hehehe...Haha.." [Baby noises lol]

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