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"Suna! hey...." I followed him but we won't even look back at me. I can't catch up because he walk so fast!

He only stop when he reached the roof top. He sat on the corner and lit up a cigarette. I lower myself in front of him. "Hey.... You mad?"

He just stared at me with his usual emotionless face. I sat and placed my hand on his knee. "I'm sorry.... I told Tsumu to stop but...pfft-"

"If you're just going to laugh at me please leave." I sigh.

I rub his knees as I speak. "I'm sorry.... Seriously, it's just that I enjoy your face.... It's cute..."

He covered my face with his big hand and push it back gently. "I'm not cute stop that shit."

"Oh....You cussing me now.." I made a hurt expression. I stood up and acted like I'm leaving. As I expected he pulled me back, but I was sitting between his legs and he is hugging me from behind. "Uh...Suna?"

"Call me Rintarou...." I blushed. [like always lol]

"I can?"

"Yeah, we're already dating."

"Since when?!" that was a genuine question.

He patted my head. "Since the day I saw you...."

I was about to tease and complain but he kissed me. He turned my body so I can face him without breaking the kiss. He caressed my cheeks and I was holding his shoulder.

"Mhmm.." His hand is roaming at my back. My heart beat faster when his hand is going lower and lower, I flinch when he grab my butt. He started kissing my jaw down to my neck.

"R-rin...." I whispered to his ear. He stopped. "W-what's wrong? Did I do s-something?"

He sigh. "No....Let's just stop there."

I know It's in appropriate to do that at school but why- I blink again to see if I got it right. There's a bump in his slacks...

He caught me staring. "Come here..."

I obediently followed him. He made me sit on his lap and I can feel his hard rock shaft. "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that..." Rin kissed my temple and played with my hair.

He like my hair, huh?

[I'm not giving any hair definition because we have different hair. I can't say how long or short or is it blonde or brunette. Just wanna remind you that you're 'Y/n' hahaha because I often forget this stuff.]

I was trying to get my phone in my pocket but Suna grab my hips. "Babe, stay still."

"b-babe..." I repeated what he said. He chuckled.

"Stop being cute, it will take longer to calm this down."

"But I'm not doing anything!" I slap his thigh.

"Stop moving! Do you want to skip class?"

"Hmmp." I leaned on him and before I knew I fell asleep.

"Baby, wake up..." I felt a gentle touch on my face.

I slowly opened my eyes and Suna was carrying me and we're at the stairs. "Hey! what if we fell?!"

"Then I'll catch you?"

"How will you catch me? I said we!" I stood up and he let me. "What time is it?"

"Two subjects late." He said like it's nothing.

"What?! Why didn't you wake me up?" I run down the stairs.

"Hey, calm down. I don't wanna see you roll down the stairs."

"Shut up!" he laughed.

"You were sleeping soundly, I tried to wake you up but you kept sleeping."

Maybe because I slept late? Ughh...

When we arrived at my classroom my teacher already left  and is now the third subject. I didn't bit my good bye to Suna and  Tsumu welcomed me with a sarcastic look.

"You shouldn't skip class just to hangout with your boyfriend..."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's my fault." He rolled his eyes.

Class finished and I went to the gym for club activities. Hori-senpai heard about what happened earlier and gave me some lesson on how I should balance my time with Suna and school. We just started dating! and it's just one mistake not that we'll do that everyday.

Suna and I go to school together and go home together. It was fun. I was happy. Not until some rumors start spreading around.

"I heard Suna is only playing with y/n."

"Eh? I heard Y/n kissed a man on the roof top?"

"I saw them walking home together and they just date at the convenience store."

"Maybe because Suna doesn't really love y/n. That's why that's all he offer."

"I also saw Suna with Sara last week!"

"Oh my god... That's his ex, right?" I was bothered with what they said.

"Yeah! In fact, they've known each other for years!"

"Ohhhh, so Suna is the one playing with y/n!"

I was bothered. Bothered but I didn't say a word to Suna, not Atsumu, not the team or the people who's talking. I kept it by myself, because I'm scared that it is true.

"Babe..." Suna sat by my side. It's practice break.

"Hi!" I handed him his drink and dried his sweats.

"Wish I could have a girlfriend that will dry my sweat.." Atsumu said. Obviously saying it out loud so everyone can hear.

"Hahahaha. We got a couple of couples in here." Aran said, also pointing out Kita and Hori whose at the corner having their own world.

"I got an Idea! Inter high will be finish next week, let's party at my house!"

"Oi, Tsumu. Ask mom first before announcing parties." Osamu reminded his twin.

"Sure. She'll say yes if yer with me."

"I'm not gonna ask her. You ask." Atsumu started begging his brother.

"They never shut up." Suna said and leaned on me.

I smiled and patted his head. I shouldn't worry about those things. I know how we are better than anyone else. They might be spreading this rumors so we'll break up, we are not breaking up. Suna loves me and I love him too.

"Love you..." I whispered and kissed Suna's head.

Suna grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Love you too."

This  update is not 1000 words, I apologize for that. I'm getting busy with school so slow updates might occur. Having some life shits to take care of. I'm pulling myself together so see you in a while haha. 


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