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"Atsumu..." I said the name of the man who came inside the house with my child. I quickly but carefully put back my daughter's ashes. "H-hi...."

Riri just stared at me thinking god knows what. After a moment of silence he spoke. "Are you my dad?"

"Uh..." I was caught off guard with his straight forward question. I let out a sigh. My mind is battling if I should tell him or not. Y/n and I haven't decide what will happen next.

"Your mom will answer tomorrow, okay buddy?" I smiled at Atsumu, thanking him for answering. "I'll head out now."

My friend looked at me saying that he'll leave everything on me. Now that I and my son is alone I don't know what to do. I looked at him and he is also looking at me. I can't help but to admire his cute little face. He look a little like Y/n but he took a lot from me.

"D-do you w-want to sleep?"

He nodded and yawned. "Yes, please."

I carried him on my arms and my son wrapped him arms on me. He's heavy.... well he's a little chubby. So cute....

I didn't know if you can sleep without his momma so I took him in the same room. It's big. We can fit together. Y/n is on the left side of the bed. I put our son beside her and I lay down on the right side of the bed.

I know Y/n haven't allow me to be known as Riri's dad but I want to be by their side for now. I want to sleep beside them. I want to be near them.

I kissed my son on his cheeks. "Sleep tight, son..."

I smiled with the word 'son'. Goodnight Rina.... I said in my mind. I look at the love of my life and kiss her forehead and whisper. "I love you.... I hope you'll forgive me soon, I'll work hard. Sleep well, baby.."

[End of Suna's POV]

The morning came and you woke up with the sunlight hitting your arm. You tried to sit and stretch but you were stuck with an arms around you. You look who it is. A handsome man with pale skin, beautiful eyes even if it's close, and a naked upper body. Your eyes widen. You were about to scream but you remember your child.

You tried to escape silently but he pulled you back to his chest. This time, it's tighter. You slap his chest. "Let me go!"

"Hmm?" you squeeze you eyes. Hot. Ughh, why am I like this?!

"R-riri! Suna, let me go!" you keep on pushing him away.

He looked at you with his sleepy face. You hissed when there's a smirk plastered on his lips. "You moved to my arms, eh?"

You punch him angrily but your face is burning red. "I did not!"

"Then why are you here?"

"I slept early. Who knows? YOU slept beside me!" you pointed him. He chuckled and hugged you. "Don't. S-stop it.."

"Mom?" Riri called you. You kicked the man beside you and finally got out of his arms.

"Baby! Good morning..."

"Morning momma....." he climbed on your top and pouted. "Morning kisses...."

You pinch his nose and showered him with kisses. Suna beside you adore the scenario. It makes his heart pound quickly. 'I'm gonna make her marry me and have this shit every morning in my whole life' He said to himself.

"What do you want to eat?" You got out of the bed but Riri didn't. "What's the matter?"

"E-etto..... Who is he?" your son pointed out Suna who's comfortably laying on your bed.

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