Chapter 23

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The dark streets lightened up by the post lights, noisy vehicles, and wind that's blowing up your hair as the man in front of you hold your hand and there, the two of you ran in that mise en scène. 

You pant loudly and sat on the ground when he finally stopped. "Hah... hah.. Is that run necessary?"

You questioned Suna, he was also tired. "Not really. But we made it in time. I guess."

You look at and venue, it wasn't the place you expect to see. It is not where he used to perform to. It is a more diluted place, the ambiance is soothing.

"You can sit here." Suna pulled and the chair and assist you. 

You noticed that there's no backstage and you can't find he's friends. "Where's your band mates?" 

"I don't have one."


"I left them... back then..."

"Why?" He just stared at you. "Oh.."

"Yeah.." he placed the drink the waiter served on the table.

"You play music alone now?"

"I guess so... I rarely do this now. You know, I prioritize volleyball. And now you and Riri..."

You somehow felt a little guilty. He could spend his time to music but he's in your house trying to please you. The reason why he also broke up with he's bandmates is because of you. You let out a sigh. "I'm s-"

"You're way more important than this okay? Family first." He kissed you on your forehead before leaving to prepare for his performance.

You felt a little shallow in your heart. Not because your hurt but because you're happy. He changed so much. It may or might not sound selfish but I love that change. 

"Good evening... " Suna greeted. He is on the mini stage.

"Oh my god is that Suna?"

"Wow, I haven't seen him a while."

"I watched his last game!"

"Oh, right. He's a volleyball player. I forgot about that, I think being a musician suits him better."

"Well, he's good both ways. It really doesn't matter."

 You listened to the side comments from the girls sitting on the next table. You shook your head at face the stage.

"I haven't play here for a while... did ya miss me?" you dazed when he chuckled. "I am here with a very special someone.. Won't be here if it weren't for her."

The audience teased him. For some reason you got embarrassed with it. 

"Well... Please enjoy. Especially you, baby." The two of you made an eye contact. You gave him a small smile to cheer him up. On the other hand, he gave back a very big smile before playing the electric guitar. Your heart skipped a beat.


I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you sometime {He looked at you]
And I wanna spend some time with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us [He smiled at you]
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not for those who wait too late
We gotta go for all we know

Just the two of us 
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building them castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

I hear the crystal raindrops fall
On the window down the hall
And it becomes the morning dew
And darling when the morning comes
And I see the morning sun
I wanna be the one with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building big castles way on high
Just the two of us
You and IJust the two of us
(We can make it, just the two of us)
Let's get it together baby (yeah)
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
(We can make it, just the two of us)
(Just the two of us)
(We can make it, just the two of us)
(Just the two of us)
(We can make it, just the two of us)
(Just the two of us)
(We can make it, just the two of us)
(Just the two of us)
(We can make it, just the two of us)
(Just the two of us)

The entire time he was performing you just admire him from your seat while smiling. Your heart is fluttering because he always look at you, especially during chorus. He's really showing that the song is for you. Other than you and his guitar, he never look at the other audience.

Everyone clap. Suna bow and thank the people. He left the guitar and quickly walk to you while his hands in his pocket. He raised his brows and sat beside you. 

"Was it good?" he leaned on your shoulder.

"Hmm... It was good." You grab his hair and played with it a little. 

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything's good." 

Suna ordered food. It was too much. You tried to stop him but he want you to taste everything. You had no choice but to eat them all. You can't waste food.

"That's it. You eat them all by yourself. I'm full." you pushed the plates to him.

"I can eat it."

"Really?" as much as you can remember, Suna isn't really that much of a big eater. He does eat enough for a volleyball player, but everyone in the team has one hell of a big stomach.

"Yeah, I was forced to eat a lot." You watch him finish his food. You stayed at the place for a while eating, talking, and Suna was just leaning on you. It was already past eight in the evening when you left the place.

"Baby, can we take a walk?" you felt something stir up with the way he called you. 

You averted your gazed before nodding. He took your hand and started walking down the streets. Somehow, the vehicles are not as loud as it was earlier. It maybe the time, or your focus was directly on to something else. The supposedly dark side walk seems to be bright, maybe t's because of the post lights. These streets should be scary, but in some way... you felt safe.

"What are you thinking?"

"Hmm?" you smiled at Suna and decided to tease him a little. "You? hehehe."

You wasn't expecting his reaction be... cute? funny? His face brightened up, rubescent. He's trying to cover his face with his big palm. "Stop that..."

"Hahahaha. Stop what?" You slowly stop laughing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Have I ever told you that your smile is the prettiest?" You didn't said a thing overwhelmed by his words. He caressed your face with admiration in his eyes. "I Love you, Suna Y/n..."

"W-what the heck are you saying..."

"Eh? I'll make you my Mrs. Suna." He chuckled and gave you a peck on your lips. You're not sure if thing are moving to quickly but you wrap your arms on his neck and pulled him to a deep kiss. He was caught off guard, Still he kissed you back.

The two you made out for minutes. "W-wait.. R-rin, wait. This p-place... somebody would see us." He keep on kissing your neck. "Rin!"

You pushed him. You looked at his face with an unknown expression plastered in it. "Wanna go to my place?"



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