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"I'm sorry, Ms. L/n..." You felt numb. You know what will the doctor say. "We did everything we can....I-I'm really sorry.."

You were just starring at the wall with tears pouring out like a water fall. You heard some cry from the nurse. The nurse who brought your twins sat in front of you and gave you a hug. "I'm sorry...."

The nurse was genuinely happy for you earlier. Especially with your reaction. Your friends were in your hospital room waiting and taking care of Rikki. You went inside the operation room and saw your daughter's unalive body. 

You held it in your arms and leaned on the wall to have support. You cried. But now you're also screaming.  "AHHHHHH..... R-rina......" you looked at her face. Earlier it has color, she was pinkish .... now it's white. Not a hint of warm color...

"I'm so sorry......hic.....Momma's sorry......" you hugged her tightly. "Sorry I c-couldn't save you..... Rina... Please forgive mommy......"

You cried their for a long time. So long that you slept their with you r daughter's corpse.

You slept on a hospital chair forgetting about Rikki. Your only thought is that your daughter died. Rina died. You couldn't save her. It's your fault because you didn't take care your child properly. If only you looked on the road you wouldn't be hit by a car. Rina would've been alive.

Your parents is taking care of her cremation. Your two friend is taking care of your son. You got home after three days. You went straight to your room not having the energy to do anything. Your parents ask you to eat outside your room but you just can't.

You've been like that for a couple of month. And finally, you started pulling yourself together. For Rikki.... You felt sorry for not facing him for a long time. You started taking care of him. You wake up in the middle of the night to feed him. Held him the entire day. And sing lullaby before sleeping.

You were still depress. But you need do keep moving forward for your children. After Riri turned one, your friends suggest that you should see a therapist just to be sure. So you did.

After everything is settled down, you continue school. You struggled taking care of your child and going to school so you home schooled. It's easier. You can't leave your son that's why it is the best option.


Suna's POV

Y/n fell asleep after telling me everything that happened to them. She is very exhausted from her crying. I was trying to keep myself together while she was having her breakdown. 

My heart is also breaking as I learn what she cry in front of me... as she stumble down her feet. The way she 's grabbing my clothes as if she could have strength from it. It hurts me. But I know it's nothing from what she experience. I am guilty. Guilt is actually an understatement. 

I understand why she didn't tell me. Who would want an asshole father for their child? I am well aware of what I did. I regret it. I regret it so much I could die. I shouldn't have done that. If I didn't.... we could have been a happy family now. 

It was just a bet. My band mates said I should make her fall in love. And she did. In just a night I got her in the palm of my hand. She is very beneficial for our band. Pays for our studio, have connection to the producer. She pretty much pays everything for our band. Lori.

That girl is very clingy and even introduce herself as my girlfriend in front of my family. I didn't have a choice since my family is strict and conservative when it come to this aspects. Lori even slept with me when I was and threaten me that she will tell my family. Being drunk may sound like an excuse.

I know what I did wrong. When Y/n saw us in the backstage, I didn't think twice and said that I cheated on her. Because I really did. She's better off without me. I thought that I will be better and finish high school with a very high grades. I worked hard and I tried my best not to see her because any moment, I would beg her to forgive me. 

I heard she collapse. I secretly sneak in at night and I saw her sleeping peacefully. I was relieved I think she's working for school a little too much. I know she is still sad about me but I know she'll be fine. She's strong. I need to be a better man for that woman. 

Y/n might move on from me anytime soon. But I'll just work myself so she can love me again. The last week before graduation, Y/n didn't some to school. I asked the twins and the manager but they said they haven't contact her for a while. 

The graduation party, she's also not there. I tried to look for her in her house but no one is answering. After some days I saw her come out of the house wearing baggy clothes. 'Maybe she's just lazy and don't want to see my face'

Years passed and I haven't heard a single news about her. Maye she flew out of the country? Trying to escape her family? I tried to ask our old teammates but they also don't know. 

Then today... I saw her. With our son. And found out her story. I should've been the one who suffered. If I could take all her pain and suffering I would. I didn't even got to see Rina...

I carried her to the room. Her house changed a little, It's bigger. Maybe because Rikki is here. I stroll around the house. I looked through the picture frames. I saw baby pictures of Rikki and I smiled. Y/n is smiling so brightly too. 

I froze when I saw a picture of Y/n with a baby girl on her arms. Y/n is crying. Pretty sure it's because she is happy. I took it and gave it a kiss. There's also another one. A solo picture of Rina.

I saw an urn with a written name on it. 'Rina'. I touched it and started to tear up. I carried it on my arms and hug it. "H-hi..... I'm y-your d-dad...." you went silent trying to pretend that you were carrying your daughter. "I-i'm sorry for not being t-there..... I'm sorry f-for not t-taking care of your b-brother and m-momma... Please....P-please for give, d-daddy...hmm?"

You hugged her for a long time till your son arrived.


Also I'm back at my house. I thought I'll spend weeks but I ended up leaving quickly.


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