Chapter 24

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"Hmm...." Suna gently kissed you but you can feel his hunger and how impatient he is. As soon as the two of you entered the apartment, he pushed you to the door and locked your lips together. "Hm.... ah..."

He grab your hand and wrap it around his neck. You obliged with no hesitation and pulled him closer, his lips went down to your jaw while his hand travel under your clothes. You felt your bra fell and his cold hand pervade it. More like he invaded you, every part of your body, your heart and your soul.

"Ahh.." He squeeze your boob. His lip started going down and eat it.  "Hmm!..."

Suna giggled. You tried to glare at him. "I think something came out of your breast..."

Your eyes widened. You covered your face embarrassed for some reason. "S-stop.."

"What? Did our baby drink that?" I don't even know if that's possible.

"Shut up!"

He kissed your hand before removing your entire clothes. You're entirely naked before he grab your ass and carry you while kissing. You can hear his belt being removed before he let you down his arms.

'Why did he even carry me?' you asked yourself.

"Give me a head." Suna commanded.

"W-wha..." You look at him, you can see that he is nervous. He is trying to figure out how far he can go. You nodded and slowly went down your knees. The bulge on his pant is big. It lowkey scares you. Well, you gave birth to Riri. What's there to be scared of?

"Baby... can you hurry a little." you silently laugh and smiled at him.

You pull his zipper down and his pants fell, while his shaft is standing proud. You gulped with how huge it is. "I don't think it'll fit in my mouth..."

"Doesn't matter." you gently touch it and wrap it with your hand. You stroke it slowly before kissing the tip. You felt him flinch.  You lick his thing, every inch of it before letting it in your mouth. 


It's not even half way but your mouth is already full. He grabbed your head before trusting in your mouth. Your eyes widened out of shock, it hit your throat endlessly. It hurt you a bit. After a while you felt a warm liquid filling your mouth.

"*Cough.. *Cough*"

He bend down and carry you. "I'm sorry."

You did not said anything but his face is saying thanks. He kissed your teary eyes and started walking. One of his hand is on your ass while the other is starting to tease your badussy. [Lmao (T~T) idk how should I write it]

"Ahh!" You almost fell because he suddenly put a finger in.  "Mhnn.."

"Did you touch yourself this past years?" Suna whispered in your ear. "Mmm? Come on tell me..."

You bit your lip, embarrassed. 

"Baby, tell me... " 

"What if I slept with another man?" that suddenly can out of your mouth just so you can avoid his question.

He faced you. "What?" 

You can see the annoyance on his face. You smiled warily. He suddenly put another finger and stretch it. "Ahhhh! Ohhh..."

"You did?"

"W-wha- Hmm.." His finger moved in and out extremely fast. "Oh! R-rin~... I did not! I did not slept with-"

"That's nice. Now, did you touch yourself?"

Your face became red. Despite of the dark, Suna can still see your flustered face. "Y-yeah..."


"It's a natural thing! I'm an adult y-you k-know..." He chuckled. "Stop laughing!"

You slap his chest. "I did that too. You know, I'm an adult after all. What did you think of while doing it?"

"W-what?! Stop it!"

"Hahaha... I thought of you while doing it. That young, Y/n... Your lovely face that's about to cum-"

You covered his mouth with your lips. "Stop..."

"Alright. You're ready to take me in.." Suna said pertaining to your fingered vgina. You closed your eyes as soon as you hit the bed. You didn't even realized that you entered the bedroom. "Hey look at me."

"O-okay..." it goes without saying but Suna really has a bigger body. Back then he is skinny with enough muscles, But now he has broader shoulder, muscular arms and now a well toned abs. Include his face too! He is still as handsome like ever.

He kissed you on the lips while his hands are roaming around your body like he haven't touch you before. He hold both of your legs. "Spread it a little more..."

You opened your legs as wide as you can so he could enter easily. 

"Put your arms around me." You wrapped your arms around his neck thinking that'll give you strength later on. "Pfft.."

"W-why are you laughing?"

"You obliged me with no hesitation." you bit his shoulder. "Ahh!"

"Should I not then?!"

"No... hehehe. I love you..." he kissed you passionately.

"I love you, too..." Suna was shocked. "Do you think I'll let you do this and that when I don't?"

"I love you so much, Y/n." he rested his head on your shoulder.

"Hey, you crying?" you held his face. His eyes are a little red.

"I'm not. But you will, later." He entered you slow but you're still shock.

"Ahh!" You grab him. "W-wait! S-suna... Ohh.." you thought it would be easy, but It's not. You felt a little pain. "Please... slow...S-slow down..."

"Okay." he kissed you while trusting in slowly. His hand started playing with your npples. His mouth travel down and lick your breast while his other hand is playin with your clitors. 

"Everything's in?"


"What?! I'm already having a hard time breathing!" you complained. 'Just! how big is he?!'

"I'm sorry for having big dck." You look at him straight in the eyes. There's no hint of arrogance, he's just saying it for you. Don't he get embarrassed?

"Shut up! J-just... put it in~ Ahh~" you felt your inside getting more filled. "Oh..."

"It's all in... " he brushed the hair  that's covering your face. "Can I move now?"

"Y-yeah..." he started trusting again, but this time it hits your inside deeper. You're holding on to his shoulder because you feel like his eating all your strength. You did not care if you scratch him or not. The room was filled with your moans, groans and your skins touching.

"I-I'm cumming..."

"Me too... " you hold him more tightly, then you felt warm liquid inside you. You did it multiple times, you did not know whether it's morning or night, but you just fell asleep in the middle of it.



I'm having a hard time writing bed scenes but I manage somehow. I just want to let you know that whenever I get notification from wattpad that you guys voted or commented, It makes me happy! Thank you < 3333

And this story is about to end! maybe a few chapters left...

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