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All the time we were sitting and talking Suna is by my side holding my waist. I somehow wanted to push him away but I didn't.

"Are you guys gonna eat lunch here?" I asked because it's almost twelve noon.

"We're heading home now si—" Kita-senpai was cut off.

"Yeah!!!" everyone cheered. 

"Aren't we disturbing too much?" Hori-san said with apologizing face.

"No! It's fine. I'm having fun." I smiled to assure her.

"Hmm...Alright if you say so. I'm going to buy ingredients, we're cooking to save." I handed her money but she refuse. "No, we can manage..."


"It's fine, y/n.." she push back my hand. "Sweetheart, come with me."

Everyone went silent after Hori-senpai called Captain with their endearment.

Sweetheart? Classic. 

Osamu whistled.

"Sweetheart! Join our manager." Aran teased Kita.

"Aww... When will I have my own sweetheart?" I chuckled at Tsumu's comment. "Y/n, be my sweetheart?"

I was about to say yes but Suna kicked Atsumu. I lightly slap Suna's leg. "Hey! stop that..."

Suna looked at me with his brows forming a line. "You want to be Tsumu's sweetheart?"

"What? No.." Atsumu acted like he is stabbed in the heart. 

"Whatever, I'm gonna have one later on."

"That'll never happen. Who would want a dumbass like you?" Osamu said. And they started bickering.

The couple was already set. They are budgeting the money earlier. "Hey you two! Behave." Captain said to the twins, who wasn't listening. 

Captain pick up Osamu and throw him in the kitchen while he pulled Tsumu on the opposite side. He faced me. "Don't let them get near to each other if you don't want your house in chaos, alright?"

"Yes, sir!" I salute. "Bye sweetheart! hahaha" I teased them before leaving.

Suna and I were left. I awkwardly smiled at him. Not gonna lie I'm still hurt. I saw him with a girl last night and now he is acting like nothing happened. I'm not even sure if he is cheating on me or is she a relative. 

I went inside my room, he followed me. I pick up new clothes.

"I'm just going to take a bath... I haven't shower." he nodded. I opened the door and he spoke.

"Where are you going?"

"Huh? I said I'm taking a bath."

He stood up. "What? why are you going outside?"

"Because the bathroom is there?" 

Suna sigh. He went to the living room I followed him. "Everyone go outside."



"Just go outside." Everyone was confuse but still follow Suna's command. 

"Why are they?"

"So you can take a bath...." 

"I can just change inside the bathroom, though."

I quickly took a bath but my under wear is missing! I'm pretty sure I picked one. I slightly opened the door. No one's there. I wrap around the towel to myself and ran inside my room. 

"Oh my god!" I screamed when I saw Suna in my room laying on my bed playing with my underwear. I blushed and shyly grab it from him but he didn't let go. "Give me that pervert!"

He smirked. "You left it here..."

"I did not!" he stood up on the bed so I climb up there but he's just too tall! I kept on jumping but I know I'm just gonna get tired if I continue. I rolled my eyes and just grab another one from the cabinet. 

It's embarrassing that he has one of my underwear but I know nothing will happen if I keep on chasing him. "I'm going to dress..... Etto...."

Suna raised his brows. "Hmm?"

"Y-you're g-going to s-stay here?" I bit my lower lip. I can feel the heat from my face.

"I can help you dress up... "


"Just kidding. I'll head out." he left my room. I quick put on my clothes then I heard the team, I guess they already went in.

When I got out I saw Hori-san in the kitchen with Captain. Osamu is also there. 

"Kita-senpai, I'll help here." he nodded and went to the living room to keep the team behave.

Only the four of us know how to cook. It is actually shocking that Osamu know how to cook. Well at least one of the twin is a bit sane than the other one. 

[Not really sure if it's true but I think he knows how to hahaha]

We made curry, onigiri, fried fish, and sinigang. It's a filipino food, Hori-senpai is half filipino but she grew up here. 

"Suna, can you fix the table?" I asked while I was washing the used utensils. 

He didn't reply immediately. He stood by my side and whispered, "Why are you calling me 'Suna'?"

I smiled. "Because YOU are Suna. Nevermind, I'll do it. You sit there."

Suna didn't answer but he started arranging the table. My dinning table is only four seater that is why we are eating in my living room.

"Itadakimasu!!!" we ate our lunch. They left an hour after eating but Suna stayed. 


"What do you mean 'why'?" 

My pain started to fill my heart once again. I grab my chest as if it will stop the pain. "It's nothing... What do you want to do?"

[y/n is an over sensitive person. Or was she?]

"Let's watch a movie?" I nodded and put pillows on the couch. 

I slept halfway through the movie. Suna didn't. I woke up on a rain of kisses. 

"Mmm...Is the movie finished?"

"Yeah." Suna is towering me. He started kissing my lips and deepen it. 

His hand is rubbing my back while mine is on his chest. I hug him as his tongue explore my mouth. He bit my lip.

"Hah... Can we continue?" he ask me. He is already holding the hem of my shirt. 

What did he meant by continue? like... uhm... have s-s..  to sleep with him? my heartbeat is racing.

"C-continue?... l-like....Conti...." I covered my red face with my hand.

He kissed my hand to stop it from covering me. "Yeah... have sex."

I got embarrassed with his straight forward answer. 

"You can say no.." he said that but his expression said otherwise. I know he want it.

Will he still love me if I say no? Will he stay if I say no? what if he is sleeping with that girl I saw last night? Is he testing me if I'm worthy of his attention? am I a worthy girlfriend? Do you need to sleep with your boyfriend to prove how strong your love is?

 I might regret my decision. I never once taught to loose my virginity before marriage. This will affect my life in the future. Well, whatever happen let's think about it when the problem is here.

"Y-yes.. L-let's do i-it.."




unedited as usual

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