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I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw is a white ceiling. I look at the side and saw the twins sleeping on the couch. Where are we? I smell alcohol. Am I at the hospital?

I sat and the door opened. It's kaori.

"Hey... I fainted?"

The girl look like she is about to cry and ran to me. She hugged me. "Y/n-senpai! I was so worried.. I called Osamu-senpai out of panic!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, Thanks..... I didn't take a good care of myself this days."

"A-ano.... T-the doctor said... She said t-that....."

"What is it? Tell me."

"You're pregnant."

"Huh?" I was dumbfounded. "C-can you say it again?"

"You have a baby inside you... It's a month and a half old."

I covered my mouth and started crying. "Oh my god....."

My junior hugged me and patted my back. I was caressing my abdomen while crying. 'I have a baby inside me...'

"Who else know?!"

"Only me... The twins don't want to leave your side so I was the one to talk with the doctor."

"Thank god..." I hold my head trying to process what's happening. Just what the hell? "Is the baby alright?"

I always skip food and I haven't got any nice sleep this month!

"Yes, the doctor said you should be careful since you're still young it might be dangerous. And some normal things to be healthy."

"T-thank you.... Kaori-san, can you not tell anyone this?"


Suna and I have a child...

The twin woke up and they are so worried. They even said I should just rest and they'll do all my school works.

"Nah, I'll rest today and go to school tomorrow. I almost finished the hard projects, it's fine now." I gave them a hug.

"I didn't see that smile for a while now."

"Really?" I giggled. The news made me happy and scared at the same time.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, And I know how my life will change.

"I'm glad you're okay."

We hugged again. "Thank you always being here with me... I grateful to you both."

Tsumu fake cry.

I decided to hide my situation to everyone other than Kaori. The twins don't know, my family, the team and their father, Suna. I also quit the club. I reasoned my health issues and asked the hospital to make a fake one.

They agreed because they don't want to be concerned with my health. I only have a month till I graduate. I can hide my bump till then.

One week till graduation we already finish all the school requirements. I choose not to attend school since we don't do anything, I rather rest at home. Kaori go to my house a lot. I didn't allow the team to visit me because when I wear normal clothes I can't hide my stomach.

I don't want to see Suna that is why I always run and only go out of the classroom when I know I won't ran into him.

I'm have morning sickness but it's not worst than I expect it to be.

Finally it's graduation day! They invited me to a party but I know I can't. First, my bump will show. Second, I'm pretty sure they'll drink.

The day of graduation party I went to the mall to buy new clothes because my clothes don't fit anymore! My stomach is bigger than normal for some reason. Kaori is with me and I'm so grateful for her. We choose the mall that is far so no one would notice me. Or so I thought.

"Y/n! long time no see..." my eyes widen when Hori-senpai walk to me.


She looked at my stomach. "Oh my god...." She covered her mouth. "It's not what I'm thinking, right?"

I gave her a warry smile. "It is..."

"Congrats! Where's Suna?"

My fake smile fade. "We broke up.."


"We split up."

The three of us went in a restaurant and I told my senior what happened. I've never seen her angry before. I ended up crying again. It still hurt.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"I'm going to give birth... It's our mistake not the child's.."

"Did your parents know?"

"'I haven't told them... I'm scared."

The two girls hold my hand and squeeze it. After that Hori-san visited my at home. I can no longer go outside if I don't want to be seen pregnant. So the girls do the grocery for me.

After a while I finally decided to visit my mother and stepdad. Hori-san is with me. "You can do this... I'll always be with you.


"Y/n! How long has it been. I miss-"


"W-what is that? No. No you're not..." she laughed. "Honey, you're not doing this to me..... No..." her voice broke.

"I-I'm so sorry...." I sobbed.

"Y-you're only seventeen...." we both cried. "Get out of my house."


"You're not allow here! I've warned you all your life! I protected you an you took advantage of the freedom I gave you! leave!"

My mother pointed the door. My step father looked at me with disgust in his eyes. I left the house feeling guilty. I know how wrong I was. I know that more than anyone else.

She didn't take back the apartment. But I can't stay there because it's near Suna's house. I cannot be seen, specially him. I contact my father and he was shock but accepted it anyway because I was made by the same mistake.

He said that he wasn't there when my mom was pregnant with me and this is the only way to make it up with that. He helped me move to the province. It's a little far from where I used to leave but It's a perfect place for me.

Fresh air, lots of trees and ocean. There's a hospital where I can give birth to.

"Thank you, dad.."

"I'm sorry for not being there to guide you..." he kissed my temples and hugged me. "You're your mother. You can do this.."



Thank you for 100 reads!!! ("3") lemme give u a kiss 


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