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Osamu dropped his glass of drink.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" Atsumu aggressively pulled Suna from the couch and the girl on his  lap flew. My friend punched Suna simultaneously. The people in there screamed. No one tried to stop Atsumu.

My hand trembled and the strength on my knees is no where to be found. I sat there, on the ground. Trying to take in what I saw. Trying to think straight.

Suna is sitting. With a girl on his lap, making out...... My boyfriend...He is making out with a girl. The girl! S-she.... She's the girl last year... The one in their house. W-what's...

"Y/n.... Let's go." Osamu helped me to stand.  I shifted my eyes on Suna and Atsumu who hasn't stop.

I pulled Atsumu. "Stop.... Tsumu. Stop."

My friend looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Y/n..."

"Suna." I looked at him. He stood up and fix his clothes. I don't know what expression I have in my face right now. I just want to assure what's happening. "Care to explain.... W-what's happening?"

I heard him sigh. "What does it seem like?"

"You assho-" Osamu stopped his twin.

"Tell me what's happening..."

"Excuse me? What's happening?! Why did you punch my Rinrin?" the girl spoke.

I looked at her. "You shut up. No one is talking to you. Suna Rinatarou, I'm asking you..."

"I'm cheating... I guess." I feel empty. I stared at him trying to read his face but he look on the other way and went to the girl. "You okay?"

I cuff with the 'sincerity' of his voice to that girl. "Let's go."

The twin led the way. I followed them with clouded mind. I didn't notice where in the convenience store. "You should drink water first..."

I look calm the whole time. But my mind is a mess... I don't know what to do. Are we over? Did he really cheat on me? Was everything a lie? When did he cheat? was it last year? Am I really the girlfriend or am I the side chick when 'that' girl is not by his side.

Did he like me because I'm innocent and gullible? He hangout with me because he just want to pass his time by? Or he did like me but got tired because I'm boring?

"Samu, Tsumu.... Thank you for today. You should also head home.."

"We'll walk you home first."

I nodded, not having the energy to argue. "Thank you, again."

I went inside my house. I cleaned my self and wore my PJ's before going to bed. I stared at my ceiling with full of thoughts.

'I'm fine.'

'I'm fine'

'I just got cheated on.'

'It's just a boyfriend, no big deal'

'It's not like my life depends on it'

'I can find another one who's more loyal and will truly love me.'

'It's fine...'

'It's fine.'

'I'm fine..'

Tears started pouring out of my eyes. I started sobbing, I cover my face using the back of my palm.

'It's not alright'

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