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After a few minutes of riding a motor cycle, you noticed a lot of familiar places. You have no idea where Suna is taking you but you just know that you'll enjoy wherever that is.

You gasp when you saw the sea. It's the same beach years ago.

He parked on the small parking lot, he assist you when you get off the bike. You removed your shoes and slowly walk to the sand feeling every sensation of it to your feet.

"Wow, it look exactly the same..."

"Yeah... But there's a rest house now."

"Where?" Suna pointed the house near the small mountain. "It's pretty."

"Do you want a house like that?" He ask while putting a small scarf on the sand. You help him arrange it, you sat first.

"I'd love to."

You flinch when he sat behind you and now you are between his legs. "We should get one then."

You didn't answer. Is he loaded? Do volleyball player get paid well? You aren't sure but sometimes you envy people who have passion, especially does who us it at work. If you love what you're doing and you have that passion for your work, it has this unwavering fulfillment in one's life. During your time as a manager, you enjoy taking care of the team but it's still different when you have this love over something. I just love giving love.

After a while you got comfortable with your position and you didn't notice that you are leaning on him as you watch the sea. It was like this when we went here years ago. That was our last date..

"Hmm...Hmmmm...m.." Suna started humming while playing with your hair.

I made you relaxed more than ever. It's your first time after years to sit on a surface and just enjoy someone's company other than Riri. You don't know the song but it's somehow gave you deja vu.

A few minutes of listening to his song you asked him. "Do you still perform?"

Suna was silent for a second before answering yes.

"Can I... watch?" the two of you fell awkward so you instantly took it back. "Well, if you don't want to I can just not w-watch. We can just go home now and see Rir-"

"You can. We'll go there later tonight."


"Yeah, I'll just text my mates.." he took his phone and manipulated it. "Are you hungry?"

"A little, it's only ten." you are pertaining about the time. He help you stand up and fold the blanket you used. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere... we'll eat." he grab your hand and lead you to the bike.

You aren't familiar with the road you're currently in. The sun is proudly showing itself and it's making you sweat, but at the same time the speed of the bike is making you cool down. Your hair is flying, your drowning from the enormous wind.

"Are we there yet!?" you screamed so Suna could hear you.

"Almost!" You were stunned when you noticed that you are climbing on a mountain.

After a minute or so he stop in front of an antique looking restaurant. It is made out of thick, strong looking woods. An old woman walked to you.

"Good afternoon! Reservation under?"

You didn't know what to answer but Suna is right behind you. "Suna."

"Oh! Mr. and Mrs. Suna, Good day! This way please.." your eyes swiftly went to Suna and the guy is looking the other way trying not to look at you while whistling. You frowned and lightly punch his side. 

He chuckled and grabbed your hand and kissed it. You bit your lip and covered your pinkish face. 

The old lady lead the two of you to a private room. In spite of how old the restaurant look, it is undeniably beautiful. The place is clean, alluring interior and a beautiful view in the balcony. 

"The food will be served with in five minutes.."

"Thank you." 

You went straight to the balcony and your mouth opened when you saw a mountain full of trees, a flock of birds flying birds, and some are sitting on a branch singing. The cold wind blow your hair. 

You were about to grab your hair but Suna was already behind you. "Thanks."

"You like it here?"

"Yeah, It's pretty..."

"Let's come back here with Rinrin next time."

You smiled because he thought of your child. "Yes, we should."

The two of you peacefully eat. It's not filled with laughter but it was a comfortable, simple meal. You rested after while watching the beautiful scenery. Suna took you for a long enjoyable drive. You did not realized it's already night. 

"I did not notice the time." you said as Suna help you remove your helmet. He stop in a huge parking lot in the city. "I'll just call Riri."

Suna nodded and fixed his bike. He arranged the helmets and some sort. 

"Hi, baby! Are you alright?"

"Mom! I'm okay. I miss you, though."

"Aw.. I miss you too! We'll take you with us next time."

"Really?! Yay! Can I say something to Dad?" You gave the phone to Suna and he got it.

"Hey, son..." You stare at him trying to figure out what they're talking about but of course you can't. "Yeah... Will you be okay?........ Sure.... I know. You too. I love you." 

He gave back the phone before hugging you from behind. You didn't push him away. "Mom, I love you! see you soon!"

"Aight, see you. I love you. Don't skip dinner, okay? You wash up before going to bed incase we go home late. And brush your teeth." Suna let go of you

"Yeah, mom. I know. Bye!"

"He hang up on me." you rolled your eyes.

"Hey, it's almost time." Suna with one hand in his pocket while the other is waiting for you. 

With confusion you place your hand on his. "For what?"

"The band. I'll sing for you." he smiled before pulling you.


THANK YOU FOR READING! It's been two months omfg! 

It's been a while since  last updated. I'm sorry for those who waited and thank you for being patient. I've been depressed! But I am somehow pulling my sh/ts together now. I graduated! And is now trying to figure out what I want in life. 

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